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An Analysis and a Summary of the Television Show Once upon a Time

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The television show “Once Upon a Time” gives a realistic outlook to viewers as they refresh their memories of the treasured and well-known Disney fairytales. The ABC producers will drag on the suspense as each new episode reveals an irresistible adventure. Emma Swan is drawn to a small town in Maine called Storybrook, where the citizens are different fairytale characters and do not know it because of the curse cast on them by the evil queen. Emma does not believe that these people could be pigments of imaginations, but it is ultimately up to her to rescue the residents from the spell and return to them their identities. The brilliant creators of “Once Upon a Time” excellently portrayed certain things and events to the watchers. Compared to other television shows, this one is radically different from the normal, commonplace fairytale adventures. Usually, these shows can be pretty great, but the creators of this show may boggle the mind by its strange order of events. In the beginning episodes, the viewer may have trouble identifying characters at first, but when the most important events occur, things start clicking together and the wheels of the observers’ minds begin to turn, they may have a feeling of amazement, excitement, and awe at the creation of this show. It is not totally foreseeable; in all respects it is very twisty. The producers have made it seem as though an event may have a particular order, but in fact it may turn around and be completely different. “Once Upon a Time” has been made a popular show because of its spectacular performance.

Each new episode that is shown basically has the same themes: the conflict between good and bad and the conflict between love and hate. The evil queen desires for everybody to submit to her power so she can have the happiness that the child Snow White stole from her years ago. This is hardly tolerable for the people, as they must do what their superior wishes, else harm come to them and maybe even death. Rumpelstiltskin makes deals with the evil queen or anyone else who comes along in need of help out of a sticky situation; much good comes out of these deals, but Rumpelstitskin’s motto is always, “Magic comes with a price.” This may hint to observers that the characters are risking something valuable for assistance for a petty thing. The actors chosen have been carefully selected and consequently, have made the show absolutely fantastic. Each one displays a unique personality that heightens the quality of the show. They all have amazing talent in their jobs and make their characters come to life by putting their emotions and heart into their work. Their facial expressions clearly depict the current scene and give a full body to every emotion. In conclusion, this television show has become quite popular because of the superb acting job and the baffling composition. Any age would enjoy this series of episodes; it is an obvious heart-thriller and directs the attention of onlookers to the mysterious but marvelous plot of “Once Upon a Time.”

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