Advantages of Wind Energy

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- Category: Energy Wind Energy
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Order NowIn ancient times wind energy was used for mills which shows that people were aware of the power of wind energy. As explained in the article “Advantages of Wind Energy” the wind mills are still being used as the best way to solve the energy problem leading which all the people of faraway villages use the low light generated by wind energy when it is late. (2009 June, para. 7). After scientists realized that wind energy can be converted to electrical energy to circulate electricity widely, wind energy became popular in all over the world. Today, wind turbines are being used to produce electrical energy from wind energy. A wind turbine is a machine which has wings turning with wind in order to convert wind energy to electrical energy by use of an electric generator. As stated in the article “It is one of the largest forms of green energy in the world today” (“Advantages and Disadvantages of Wind Energy”, n.d., p.1). Considering the information above, one can say that the use of wind energy will increase in the near future.
Consequently, wind energy which has a rapidly increasing use , around the globe is advantageous because it is friendly to environment, good for economy and readily available around the world. One of the most significant advantageous features of wind energy is that it is a green technology. To begin with, wind energy which is being converted to electrical energy, has a lot of environmental advantages among the other energy sources. It has been asserted that another advantage of wind energy is that it produces no contamination. (“Advantages and Disadvantages of Wind Energy”, n.d., p.1.) This makes it clear that, utilizing wind energy besides producing electricity generates no pollution. One fact is that wind’s “pollution free” electricity may contribute to bring down the amount of harm to the natural world due to energy production in the U.S and around the globe. (AWEA, n.d., p.1) In view of this information, it is obvious that wind energy must be used to produce electricity because of its Wind Energy 5
clean technology. In addition, according to Energy Information Association wind is a non-dirty source and wind power plants generates no air or water contamination since there is no source squandered to produce electricity. (n.d., p.7-8). Furthermore, as emphasized in “Advantages of Wind Energy”, one of the visible benefits of wind energy is its ruthlessly helping in the lowering of the terrible impact that has been caused by poisonous gases (2009 June, p.1.). In addition to this information, as stated in the article wind energy has no impacts such as poisonous gas emissions in the environment. (“Advantages of Wind Energy”, 2009 June, p.2) . Specifically, AWEA reports that while setting up of the wind turbines, wind turbines will cause some release of CO2, adequate electricity is produced from a wind farm for about two months to completely recompense for these emissions. (n.d., p.2.).
Moreover, wind energy cannot easily get dispersed like fossil fuels since there is no source squandered to produce electricity. (“Advantages of Wind Energy”, 2009 June p.1), All in all, it can safely be said that utilizing wind power is one of the friendliest way to produce electricity without causing damage to the nature. Apart from being friendly to environment, wind energy is also good for economy. First of all wind energy with its thundering economic advantages, seems to be successful in the energy sector. As explained in one article, wind energy takes the first place for being inexpensive among the sources of energy taking some sections of economy to use wind energy to fulfill their traditional needs. (“Advantages of Wind Energy”, 2009 June, p.1.). In view of this information, it can be said that wind energy may be a choice to meet the energy need in countries. Additionally, as stated in the article, wind energy is a cheap source comparing its costs to other forms. (“Advantages of Wind Energy”, 2009 June, p.1.). To continue, According to AWEA, wind farms may freshen the economy for urban regions Wind Energy 6
offering nonstop earnings or “loyalty payments to farmers and other landowners” (n.d., p.2.). In the light of this example, one can say that wind energy may be an alternative way for people to earn money. In addition to this information, Leistritz (2009) indicates that on the other role of wind energy besides its renewability is that the setup of wind energy may provide economic progress for urban regions. (p.1.). Specifically, Leistritz states, In Midwest – Great Plains region, people commonly believe that wind energy is the cheapest fuel. (2009, p.1.). Furthermore, AWEA reports that wind energy also increase the local tax base and saves energy dollars in native neighborhood rather than wasting them to meet the payments for other energy sources generated somewhere else. (n.d., p.2.). On this subject, as stated in the article, besides other features such as imperceptible expenses and non-dirty effect to nature, the energy sector has considered to take today’s benefits of wind energy to correspond the need of electricity on the world. (“Advantages of Wind Energy”, 2009 June, p.1.).
This makes it clear that in the near future wind energy will take place among other energy sources to meet the demand for electricity. AWEA states that wind farms may enlarge over a wide topographical territory, but their real “footprint” takes place only a minute region of the field, making wind improvement a perfect method to make extra money. (n.d., p.2.). Considering the information above, it can be said that farmers while doing agricultural work they can also earn money from these wind farms without causing so much place occupied by wind turbines. It is stated that wind energy also has an advantage for economy such as decreasing “hidden costs” occurring with the air contamination and health conditions. (AWEA, n.d., p.2.). Moreover, it has been asserted that from now on “the sky rocketing oil and gas prices” will no longer be a reason of common concern of everyone, as the wind energy can respond to all the needs of energy, readily and adequately. (“Advantages of Wind Energy”, 2009 June, p.2.). Wind Energy 7
All things considered, it is obvious from the above that wind energy has a significant role in the economy with its advantageous features. In
addition to economic advantages of wind energy, there is one more advantage that makes wind energy the favored one ; wind energy is readily available around the globe. First of all being available at everywhere is not a feature that every energy source may have, which makes wind energy unique. As stated in one article, being available all over the earth is another benefit of wind energy so all countries could have independence of energy. (“Advantages and Disadvantages of Wind Energy”, n.d, p.1.). As stated in “Wind Energy Around the Globe”, in most parts of our globe, wind energy has already taken place in the competition with thermal energy productions with the further increment in fuel prices contributing to the economic benefit for wind energy. (n.d., p.2.).
Furthermore, Energy Information Association (EIA) reports that most of the wind energy farms on earth are placed in Europe and United States where the authority contributed to give rise to wind energy improvements. (n.d., p.4.). In addition to this information, it is reported that there are many countries such as Denmark, Germany, Spain, India and some regions of United States of America running wind energy widely. (“Advantages and Disadvantages of Wind Energy”, n.d., p.1.). In the light of this survey, it can be said that developed countries took notice of wind energy and earmarked for investment of wind energy. To continue, it has been asserted that wind energy can be generated almost everywhere under one condition; the wind has to blow faster that 10m/h. (“Advantages of Wind Energy”), 2009 June, p.1.). Consequently, every country has the opportunity to have their energy independence because of the fact that wind energy is readily available everywhere.
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To take everything into conclusion, it is obvious that wind energy has a significant role in the energy production sector because of its advantages such as being friendly to the environment , being good for the economy and being available around the world. Therefore, engineers have been developing the technology of wind turbines. As a result of that the total cost of the use of wind energy is decreasing day by day. Eventually, people have to realize the importance of wind energy and governments must change their energy politics in order to make our earth a better place to live. Leistritz ,in his article, states that “As communities examine the prospect of a commercial wind farm in their area, it is helpful if they have a realistic understanding of the likely effects of a wind project.” (Leistritz. 2009, p.3.)
Advantages and disadvantages of wind energy. (n.d.). Retrieved October 08, 2009, from Advantages of wind energy. (2009, June). Retrieved October 10, 2009, from AWEA (American Wind Energy Association). (n.d.). Wind energy and the environment. Retrieved October 08, 2009, from AWEA (American Wind Energy Association). (n.d.). Wind energy and the economy. Retrieved October 08, 2009, from EIA (Energy Information Administration). (n.d). Wind. Retrieved October 14, 2009, from Leistritz, F. (2009, July). Socioeconomic impacts of developing wind energy. Retrieved October 14, 2009 Wind energy around the globe. (n.d). Retrieved October 14, 2009, from