The Adventures of Blue Avenger
- Pages: 3
- Word count: 688
- Category: Books
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Order NowIn the book, “The Adventures of Blue Avenger,” the main conflict of the main character stems from his father’s death. He is trying to cope up with the death of his father and he seeks ways to overcome come his grief. This grief and bitterness over the loss of his father is the main problem of the story. Furthermore, this grief is what drives David’s to make the impulsive decisions that lead his to becoming his comic book character Blue Avenger.
The story unfolds through different scenarios that seem to be unrelated yet they all point to something. This is the way by which the author builds the suspense in the story. She highlights the various events eventually lead to convergence of the lives of the main characters. When the story reached the climax, the part when Blue Avenger is in the midst of his super hero antics, saving lives and resolving problems, I could not help but cheer for him. In his own little way, he was able to help other people. He may not have had the super powers of the super heroes we know today but his swift and clever decisions were enough to solve the problems that came before him. I greatly admire him for his decision making because the problems that he helped solve require more than brute strength. These issues needed to be tackled with creativity and ingenuity which Blue Avenger both used. That is why I was caught in reading about his adventures for I could wait to find out what he did next.
The setting played a very important role in the story. Since the story was set in a modern day city and time, more readers, especially the targeted audience of the young, were able to relate to it. The readers could see the said problems unfold in their own lives. Furthermore, the problems that were tackled in the story are the problems that most young adults encounter today. The setting helped the author discuss the issues that young adults deal with today. It made it more realistic.
Blue Avenger is the main character of the story. As earlier mentioned, his main problem is coping with the death of his father. This loss drives him to change his name and adapt the life of his comic book character. The motivation behind such action was that he wanted to become the, “Secret champion of the underdog, modest seeker of truth, fearless innovator of the unknown.” Basically, Blue Avenger wanted to become the modern day super hero. He wanted to help people with their daily problems and issues. In the beginning, I was not really interested in his character. In fact, I found him boring. However, as the story unfolded, I began to realize the complexity of his issues and the great desire he had to make a difference. That is why I ended up looking forward to his every move. Another character in the story is Omaha Nebraska Brown. She emerged as Blue Avengers love in the story. However, this was not what made her interesting to me. I was attracted to her character because of his deep thinking. Her philosophical ideas were profound yet I was able to relate to them.
The primary theme of the story is the battle between determinism and free will. Through out the story, Blue Avenger and Omaha search for the answers and debate between the two ideas. Also, personal responsibility was a theme that was tackled in the story. This theme is very relevant to young readers because the young need to understand the value and importance of responsibility for their actions.
The author made the story really interesting by combining the elements of humor, philosophy, and romance. Also, her use of common day problems and vital issues such as gun control greatly helped in making the story relevant. By doing so, she was able to tackle the profound issue of free will versus determinism in such a way that it was still fun and interesting to the readers.