Temptations from Satan and Angel

- Pages: 6
- Word count: 1275
- Category: Temple
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When we speak of temptation the very first thing that may come into our minds is that it is something bad or evil, that when you fall into temptation, you are committing sin and evil deed. However this may not always be the case, it is also said that there are two kinds of temptation, one leading to obedience and good things, the other one to sin and rebellion. This paper will try to show that temptations may lead to greed, murder and other forms of crime but it can also lead to success and happiness. When troubles come how do people react on it and what will be their perception about it. Does God allow it to happen as part of the discipline He wants to impart on me? Does He really want me to be in trouble or get hurt to correct me from my sins? Why such things happen? Have we allowed Satan to enter our lives and defeat us? The scripture spoke and promise that who ever comes to follow Jesus may suffer from tribulation and persecution.
 Man desire lot things in this world, as a result they are being tempted to get whatever he desire in whatever possible way he knows. And through his eager desires Satan comes the way and tried to capture him. Man can never fall into temptations for something that his heart never wish and desired for. But Satan was so fake and deceiver he will make things looks and taste good for us to desire those things and be deceived. These false claims of Satan, as wrong thing seems to be right and the ad one may look to be. It is in the heart of man where evil desire begins and is the source of temptation, and our evil desires are being facilitated by Satan together with His Servants.
 The bible speaks of temptations or attack from Satan. Everyone is tempted by his evil desires…Satan does not temp us to do wrong things…he tempted us in order to make us lose. We are tempted in various ways…married people can be tempted by having sexual intercourse, people who wants to get rich falls into temptations of robbery, car napping, kidnapping and other crimes and trap into many foolish desires that may lead him into fatal distraction.
I was really afraid in some ways about the possibilities that all my efforts have been useless as Satan came upon to tempt me for I am weak on my own strength. According to Chambers:
“Temptation is a suggested short-cut to the realization of the highest at which I aim–not at what I understand as evil, but towards what I understand as good… [At this point Satan] does not come along the line of tempting us to sin, but on the line of shifting the point of view, and only the Spirit of God can reveal this as a temptation of the devil. A man’s disposition on the inside, i.e., what he possesses in his personality, determines what he is tempted by on the outside. The temptation fits the nature of the one tempted, and reveals the possibilities of that nature. Every man has the setting of this own temptation, and the temptation will come along the line of the ruling disposition. Temptation yielded to… is a proof that it was timidity that prevented the sin before.” (Temptations n.d.)
The bibles spoke to us on 1 Corinthian 10:13 and saying, God is faithful to His promise, that He will not give you trials or temptations beyond your ability to resist devil, and this temptations that comes your way is the normal kind of temptation that comes to the people. As you are being tested by God He will never leave rather He is there to guide you and give you strength to endure it, and He will also provide you some ways to get of it.
According to Oswald Chambers, we are not tempted by Satan so that we will commit or do wrong things but rather Satan temp us so that we will lose our value to God.
As well as John and Ezekiel had seen visions of a temple and a high mountain so it may also be that Jesus when the time that He had pasted and not have eaten for forty days had seen visions or is taken to other places by an angel or two by that time. Just as Luke 4:5 says, Jesus had seen the states of the future kingdom. John had seen great things through revelations while Jesus, through the angels saw the kingdom. It is undeniable that Christ had a great a love and respect for the angels.
As we allow Jesus to enter in our lives, through His angels we will e guided on the right path of our way, to do good things, to e not tempted by Satan and eventually taste the goodness of our life for it is really what God promise to us, for God really love all His creations.
Only God can able to help in all our tribulations and temptations. If we only allow God to lead our ways and move into our lives He can able to give us the fruitful life we are hoping and dreaming for. He can also bring to us the love that is faithful and so true. And with the help of His Angels He can make our life successful and worth Living.
Once you allow God to come in your life you will be guided by His spirit and His Angels so you will be out of danger. Submit yourself to God and He will resist the Devil and will set you free.
Every time that people fall into Satan’s temptation they blame Satan for not realizing some reasons that could have brought it. Not realizing that God sometimes allows temptation to fall on us because God is letting us to be tempted in order to prove our faith and trust in him. Sometimes God allows this to happen to let us know how much He loves us and how much He is willing to help us. For most of the time, when we have and we are experiencing a fruitful life we remember Him not, we never thank Him for this wonderful opportunity He gave, that is why sometimes He allow such things to happen for I guess its His way of reminding us that He is there willing to help and guide. Just like in the case of Job where God allowed Satan to temp Job in order to prove to Satan that Job is really faithful to God. It is also written that god would not allow us to be tempted to the point that we cannot bear but had so many people become slaves of sin and are living in rebellion against God? This is because of the lost of trust and faith in the Almighty. Without realizing that God can, is and will always be there on our side, we will surely live a defeated life. The cause of falling into temptation is not Satan itself but rather the weakness of human’s faith.
Acts 17:11. no date. Temptation Retrieved September 17, 2007
from http://www.acts17-11.com/tempt.html
Faith And Practice. 2006. Temptation and the Christian: Satan Made You Do It?
Temptation and the Christian: Satan Made You Do It? Retrieved September 17, 2007
Angels.no date.The Wilderness Temptations of Jesus. Retrieved September 17, 2007
from http://www.carelinks.net/books/dh/angels/angels12_4.htm