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”Dear John” by Nicholas Sparks

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Dear John is a novel written by Nicholas Sparks. Published on August 7th, 2007, with over 3 million books sold, Sony Pictures turned Dear John into a movie starring Channing Tatum and Amanda Seyfried. Dear John takes place in the year 2000 to 2006, after John re-enlists after 9/11. Dear John takes place in Charleston, South Carolina; a small, rural town, with many ethnic groups. Charleston is known for their sports, the beach, historic sites to see, hiking and biking. This is a romantic novel with war and drama involved. Some positive aspects about Dear John are that it is an inspiring book. It gives you hope, not only that true love exists, yet, you can make long distance relationships work. This is a great book for teenagers, even adults, who enjoy love stories. I really don’t like romance novels, but this one had me attached since page one. There some pretty sentimental parts, that had me in tears, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t a phenomenal book. Also, this novel teaches you the importance of mission projects and donation. Savannah was away from home doing mission work for the Habitat for Humanity. John donates all his money from his father’s coin collection to Savannahs husband, Tim, who had Melanoma. Some of the negative aspects of the book include how John gets heartbroken when he is deployed.

Savannah had explained to John how much she loved him, and when he gets back they are getting married. If he broke his promise, he broke her heart. Savannah ended up marrying her best friend, Tim, who she had grown up with. During the Vietnam War and World War II, people would send “Dear John” letters to a significant other in the military to tell them that they are breaking up. The love story isn’t really accurate and the plot is predictable. Another thing that I didn’t enjoy about this book, it was really based off of love, not really the military or politic side of it. Dear John is pointed towards teenagers and young adults. You will usually find females reading this novel, because it deals with romanticism and drama. I think Dear John is an easy read and understandable. I love the relationship John has with his father. This part of the book made me realize how much love and respect I have for my father. The ending was evidence that John was mature and strong. He let Savannah go and donated to her husband’s cancer fund. That is what true love is.

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