The legal considerations of professional practice

- Pages: 7
- Word count: 1534
- Category: Profession Team Teamwork
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Order NowBrian and John provide feedback after every task I do, in which they tell me how well I done that task and what could I improve on. They also provide me ideas for future tasks I could use to improve my work quality and efficiency.
The feedback I received about my performance from Brian was that I meet the deadlines set and work at a fast paced providing a good quality of work. Also, John said that I’m really good with working on Springfield social media platforms and hitting the goals they wanted to achieve.
To me this is a good indicator that I’m progressing well in this industry as well as that, this proves to myself that I’m a fast-paced learner. I this makes me believe that I’m ready to be pushed to the next level in my career to level 4 apprenticeship.
Explain personal goals
My personal goal for this year was to ensure that more people view the website and the Springfield social media platforms content. Also, to increase connections with the right target audience on the LinkedIn profiles to 500 minimum each, which potentially could lead to new customers & more orders. Also by doing this could mean that people may start talking about Springfield to those who are interested in product or service who could be out of reach of contacting.
Describe legal considerations of professional practice
A professional practice is a decision to acquire and exclude knowledge in a chosen field. A legal consideration to digital marketing is copyright law and data protection act and to keep up with the standards of professional practice, the individual who works in this sector must understand stay and understand within the boundaries and laws.
Describe ethical considerations of professional practice
Ethical consideration relates to the decency of the human behaviour. There are no set rules for ethics but the professional individual will develop their own sense of understanding what ethics means to them in their sector.
Describe how quality management affects own job role
At Springfield, I’m partly responsible for the marketing of the business. In order to provide the best marketing possible for the business, I need to understand the customers I would like to market to. I could provide surveys for the customers to find out what service and or product they would like to be provided with or what exactly they are looking for. This would allow me to understand what sort of advertisement the business needs by producing information customers want. Reaching potential customers needs will increase the orders and bring profit to the business.
Identify conflicts of interest which can arise from own job role
Conflicts and interest can arise when people are given the best jobs. It can arise when team members have contrasting opinions which can cause and issue with the team working on a project. For example, varying opinion can cause conflict on how the advertise has been set up or how certain products or services are being marketed. This can be avoided by frequently asking for feedback before publishing the work.
Organise own time to meet team goals
It’s important to organise your time when working in a team to ensure that the project they are working on doesn’t fall behind. There is always a time when its reviewed to see if everyone meeting the deadlines. For example, if I’m working with jerry on an order and he has asked me to fill out an excel spreadsheet of all furniture that will be used and which room should the furniture go in from a CAD drawing for the operations team. As well as asking me to find the prices, then Jerry will ensure that that I have all correct tools to do this for him, he will break down the work into steps and ensure I follow set expectations of deadlines for each step. If for some reason I do not follow the set realistic time scale for each step, he will review to see if there is a problem I’m facing with the step and provide help if needed to complete the whole task on time.
Behave in a way that accommodates individual team members
Each member of the team has different set of skills and knowledge to be able to perform efficiently and complete the project or task to the best of their abilities. It’s important to have initiative as responsibility for each task is set to a specific person. Each person in the team will have different strengths and weaknesses and it is important that team leader (Brian or John) allocate the tasks correctly for them to be able to complete it.
There are two categories of team members, a core member who has a full-time role in the project and a extended team member who has a part time role.
It’s crucial that the team leader will allocate the most time-consuming work to the core member as they can spend all their time working on the project unlike the extended team member who has a regular job to complete on day to day bases alongside the project.
Provide feedback in a constructive and positive manner
Constrictive criticism and feedback is a very useful tool to let a person know how they are doing on the task and how could they improve. It’s important to ensure that you give feedback that will not just tell them what they have done wrong but also what they could do better or change on similar task in the future. For example I have noticed that jerry does not watch his time line on his social media websites for people asking for specific furniture they need. So I would tell jerry that it would be good idea to view this timeline daily as someone may ask for some furniture and that he would be able to ask if what Springfield is offering is suitable for them. This way he wouldn’t miss any potential orders from the social media platforms.
Respond to feedback in a constructive and positive manner
Seeking for feedback is important because it helps you learn to respond to it constructively to better yourself rather than negatively. Being openminded when receiving the feedback is important when asking for feedback on the project, this is because not always the other person will have a good opinion when looking from another perspective. For example, I asked John to view my collage I created to post on social media to see what he thinks before I post it. He responded that the background made it look dark and gloomy which he didn’t think was suitable for posting. Then he suggesting to making the background white and increase the highlights and the brightness of the image.
Reduce obstacles to effective team work
There will be obstacles that arise in every team and it is important to not allow the obstacle to effect on the work efficiency. For example, there could be a conflict or an issue between the team member which a team leader should address as soon as possible to ensure that the teams keeps working together efficiently. If the project has not been clearly explained then the team may struggle to carry out the tasks which could mean the project will not be completed on time or completed at all. It’s important to allocate the task to correct people depending on their knowledge and skill level because otherwise if the task is too difficult for the person, this would mean the whole team will struggle to progress on the project. The team leader should be 100% aware of their team players strengths and weaknesses to ensure that the correct roles are allocated to correct individuals.
Explain the differences between types of employment status
Employment status allows for help to determine an employee’s right and employers responsibilities. There are five different types of employment status:
1. Worker –
• Has a contract to carry out services for payment personally
• They have limited right on sending someone else to do the work
• They responsibility of turning up to work even if they don’t want to
• The employer must always provide work for them during their contract
2. Employee
• Someone who works under the employment contract
• Employee has more employment right than workers
• SSP, maternity and paternity leave, adoption and shared parenting leave, minimum notice periods etc
3. Self-employed
• A person who is responsible for running their own business and takes responsibility for it
• Self-employed workers don’t have pay as you go rights nether do they have employment rights of employees
4. Contractor
• Can be self-employed or a worker/employee if they work for a client and are employed by an agency
5. Office holder
• A person who has appointed a position by a company or an organisation but does not have a contract or receive a regular payment
Explain career progression pathways in digital marketing
The digital economy is growing faster than the traditional economy therefore there will be more options for progression within the digital economy. The digital marketing progression pathway depends on the person knowledge and skills, however if that individual does not know how to communicate efficiently their peers or colleagues then they will find it hard to progress as the ability to communicate is important as a knowledge and skill.
Describe sources of support for career progression in digital marketing
• Educational – University courses/degrees
• Webinars/seminar
• Networking
• Peers