The Creative Process

- Pages: 8
- Word count: 1941
- Category: Creationism
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Creativity is the ability to produce something new, to generate unique approaches and solutions to issues or problems or opportunities.
Creative process
Creative process can be defined as a mental process, which involves the invention of new ideas or concepts, or new associations between existing ideas or concepts.
Concept of creativity
According to Lubart, 1994 and Oche, 1990 the concept of creativity is the ability to produce works that is both novel (original) and appropriate (useful, adaptive). According to them, creativity is a topic of wide scope that is important at both the individual and social levels for a wide range of task domains. At an individual level, creativity is relevant for example, when one is solving problems on a job and daily life. At societal level, creativity can lead to new scientific findings, new movements in art, new inventions, and new social programs.
Analysis and Components Of Creative Process
- Problem definition
- Open mind and apply creative techniques
- Identify best solution
- Transformation
Define A Problem
Make sure that you are about to tackle the actual problem not just symptoms. In order to do it, try to find the root cause. Define your constraints and your objectives. If you are dealing with a large problem, break it into small pieces. Summarize your problem in a problem statement
Open Mind and Apply Creative Techniques
Once you have sorted out your problem, you are now required to find all possible solutions. Don’t hang on the first solution that comes in your mind. If you do it then you may miss many better ones. Sometimes it happens that bad ideas become the seeds of better ones. It is worth asking opinions from your colleagues because they may come up with better one than yours.
Identify The Best Solution
After getting all the possible solutions select the one, which best meets you requirements. Keep in mind your goals, when selecting a solution. Usually there are number of ideas and possible solutions in front of you so you are required to examine them carefully. Again don’t forget to involve your colleagues.
Transform your best solution into product. Define an action plan to make sure that you are going to launch a reliable product. This is the most important component of creative process where many creative people fail.
Creativity in Fields of Human Endeavor
Creativity is often associated with forms of human expression in the literary, fine, and applied arts. Because it involves the development of innovative ideas and fresh approaches to problems, however, the practice of creativity is no less integral a component of the social, physical, and technological sciences. In any field of human endeavor, the creative process requires ability to question accepted and “acceptable” ways of perceiving and thinking, as well as a willingness to forge connections and refine knowledge through doubt, curiosity, and imagination. Through engagement, reflection, and analysis, this competence invites the students to understand how a creative process is born, how it functions, and how it changes our perception and experience of the world. Such insights may develop, for example, by analyzing the creative process in the writing of a poem, the production of a visual narrative, the planning of a city, the design of a web site, or the development of an innovative way of perceiving and explaining a natural phenomenon
Edward de Bono incorporates three diverse concepts into his definition of creativity. Firstly, he says, “At the simplest level, creative means bringing into being something, which was not there before.” Then he adds, “The new thing must have value,” and lastly, it must include the concepts of “unexpectedness and change.” My idea of this poster and change of marketing materials fits this definition. I constructed from the creative process something new that was not seen before. I have had a great response to these marketing pieces, which has created value to my company. Lastly this type of marketing was never seen before and unexpected and I changed the way my company markets to clients and existing clients.
I am able to identify, analyze and describe the components of a creative process. I have also used the creative process to develop other marketing materials that produce results. In the beginning of the creative process, I needed to identify the problem and find solutions to these problems. The problem was that all the marketing materials provided to me by the company did not produce the results I needed. With all forms of advertising, I used techniques of collaborative, creative design to see the system from different vantage points. I built working simulations of how the new system will operate.
At times, I needed to add new system components and deleting others. I worked over and over again to bring my vision and make it a reality. I imagined the designed and allowed for the evolution of new components of the system that helped the system create different conditions. I tested my different visions and forms of advertisements to see which produced the best results. I ran pilot tests to limit risk by sending out only a handful of mailings to see which ones produced the best results. I designed, tested and failed at some but the most resilient forms of advertisements prevailed. Some of my pieces just did not produce the results I expected and these pieces were either redesigned or terminated. I now have a stable form of advertisement that produces results from years of trial and error with the my creative vision.
Guilford feels that creativity is part of the divergent, convergent, and evaluative thinking operations. It is measured by the flexibility, fluency, and originality of responses to a given problem situation. It is also measured by the sensitivity of an individual problem and the ability to redefine information. Flexibility is the ability to break apart and reform different configurations of classes, relations, and systems. The sheer number of units produced measure fluency. Originality is the ability to generate a variety of transformations. These three are a part of the divergent thinking mode. Sensitivity to problems is in the evaluative mode. The individual must be able to evaluate situations for unmet needs in order to bring about improvement. The convergent thinking mode is used to redefine information. The product is a transformation. A lot of creative effort is in the form of transforming something known into something not previously known (Guilford 151-168). This description fits my situation. I was able to know and understand the problem. During the thinking of my problem and coming up with my solution I reconfigured and continuously worked on my creation.
I finally came up with a great website, posters, flyers etc. These marketing pieces not only were new but also produced results. I have been a financial advisor for 10 years and the market and the needs of clients have changed throughout. Throughout this time I needed to evaluate my situation and come up with a redesign or that better fits the needs of my client. I was able to adapt and change with my creative mind and understand the client better. Creativity and the process may be initiated from positive or negative effects in one’s life. Although the benefits of creativity to society as a whole have been noted, (Runco 2004) social attitudes about this topic remain divided. The wealth of literature regarding the development of creativity (Feldman, 1999) and the profusion of creative techniques indicate wide acceptance, at least among academics, that creativity is desirable. There is, however, a dark side to creativity, in that it represents a “quest for a radical autonomy apart from the constraints of social responsibility” (McLaren 1999).
In other words, by encouraging creativity we are encouraging a departure from society’s existing norms and values. Expectation of conformity runs contrary to the spirit of creativity. Nevertheless, employers are increasingly valuing creative skills. A report by the Business Council of Australia, for example, has called for a higher level of creativity in graduates (BCA, 2006). The ability to “think outside the box” is highly sought after. However, the above-mentioned paradox may well imply that firms pay lip service to thinking outside the box while maintaining traditional, hierarchical organization structures in which individual creativity is not rewarded. I have come across this way of thinking with my firm. My firm talks about thinking outside the box which I have done but they make it difficult for one to succeed this way. They make getting the marketing materials approved a real challenge and I have had managers come to me and ask if I would just use what was approved. I feel my firm does not truly embrace creative thinking and will hamper the development of this way of thinking. I also know some firms look to increase the way staff thinks creatively and invests many dollars in this way of thinking. In order to have success in my business in the future, I will continue with the development of my creative pieces and thinking.
Conclution (engaging in a creative process affects one’ s perception of the world)
I have just completed a course through Cornell University titled, “Leading through Creativity”. This course has given me additional knowledge and understanding on the creative process and how to apply it. Topics discussed were leading through creativity, developing my creativity, and developing the organization’s ability to innovate. I learned through creativity organizations will become competitive in the decades ahead. In one of the modules, I was presented techniques to enhance my creativity, and was also presented advice from industry leaders who have proven records of being creative. In another module, I learned how, as a team leader, to run a meeting that will result in creative ideas. I also provided and received suggestions on how to foster creativity in my organization. I now have the ability to identify the benefits that individuals and organizations can realize from creativity.
I can assess my team and my own creativity. I can identify the characteristics of creative people in business environments. I can describe and use a visualization technique for enhancing my creativity. I can identify and practice techniques for developing creative approaches to business challenges. I am attaching the completion certificate as additional evidence of competence in creativity. Identify, practice, and facilitate creative techniques for groups, including groups that cannot meet in person. I am able to identify features of your organization that limit its creative potential and describe and recommend steps that can be taken to foster creativity in my organization.
Based on my experience, knowledge and education with creativity and the creative process, I feel this warrants competence for A-5; can define and analyze a creative process.
1) Amabile, T.M. (1998). “How to kill creativity”. Harvard Business Review 76.
2) Amabile, T.M. (1996). Creativity in Context. Westview Press.
3) Guilford, J.P., “Creativity: Its Measurement and Development,” in Parnes and Harding, A Source Book for Creative Thinking, Section 14, pg. 151-168.
4) Page=creativity0
5) McLaren, R.B. (1999). “Dark Side of Creativity”, in ed. Runco, M.A. & Pritzker, S.R.: Encyclopedia of Creativity. Academic Press.
6) BCA (2006). New Concepts in Innovation: The Keys to a Growing Australia. Business Council of Australia.
7) Feldman, D.H. (1999). “The Development of Creativity”, in ed. Sternberg, R.J.: Handbook of Creativity. Cambridge University Press.
8) Runco, M.A. (2004). “Creativity”. Annual Review of Psychology 55: 657-687.