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3 Vendors Database Products

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Database Modeling

          “Data modeling is the process where one takes real-world entities and creates a database schema designed to capture those entities, their attributes and their interactions.” (Peasland, 2006) In other words, it is a graphical illustration of a corporation’s information and statistics expressed in terms of individual units and relationships. Data modeling can be applied to any RDBMS (Relational Database Management System). As far as database modeling products are concerned, there is a wide range in market with different features. Following are three database modeling products that our company can purchase.

1. Database Design Studio-Lite (DDS-Lite)

Database Design Studio-Lite (DDS-Lite) has a sound reputation for being a good database modeling software. It is based upon the Chen Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) and quite easy to use. DDS-Lite is one of the best tools for the forward engineering and modeling of relational databases. It has been in use by many professionals and students throughout the world. Some of its salient features are below:

  • DDS-Lite supports Enhanced Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) modeling that permits designing a completely relational database, along with Cascading Referential Integrity Constraints, Checks, Indexes, Defaults and Unique constraints.
  • This software also includes Data Structure Diagrams that are produced without human intervention from the Enhanced Entity Relationship Diagram in tabular form.
  • It also supports Data Definition Language (DDL) Scripts for producing and loading the database. Using this feature, databases can be generated without any trouble and without any delay for all the supported database servers.
  • One may design Java Source Code from the Enhanced Entity Relationship Diagram to include the Data Definition Language for all the vast number of supported database targets. The company’s employees can also compile and run the source code from within the software’s environment.
  • Moreover, one can also create Visual Basic Source Code directly from the Enhanced Entity Relationship Diagram.
  • DDS-Lite also supports ODBC Management within the Project Manager. This feature permits immediate access to all ODBC connections. Therefore, one can open ODBC connections directly in the SQL Console. (DDS-Lite, n.d)

DDS-Lite also supports databases like Oracle, MySQL, DB2, PostgreSQL,SQL Server, Interbase, Informix, SQLBase, Sybase (ASA and ASE), , Access, ANSI, Ingres, and Pervasive SQL. We can download this product from the DDS-Lite website for $99.95. (DDS-Lite, n.d) Lindsay Smith, Director of Undergraduate Studies, Monash University stated that “the complete DDS package is very powerful, highly configurable and of great assistance in our educational program. Further, given the financial constraints of students and tertiary faculties DDS has the extra feature, against many similar CASE tools, of being very moderately priced – it is thus excellent value for money”. (DDS-Lite, n.d)

2. ConceptDraw VI Database Modeling Software

ConceptDraw VI is a user friendly database designing instrument that can create entity relationship diagrams, design databases, and reverse engineer existing structures. This software can be used for database diagramming like ER Diagram, ORM Diagrams, Chen ERD, Nassi Shneiderman Diagrams, Database Model diagram, Express-G, SSADM Diagrams, Martin ERD, Booch Diagrams etc. A few of this product’s features are listed below:

  • This product has its own internal scripting language, ConceptDraw Basic, which allows all-inclusive database modeling.
  • ConceptDraw VI supports English, German, French and Spanish.
  • Furthemore, this software possesses extensive export prospects of database design diagrams.
  • The internal scripting language mentioned above permits users to connect to ODBC-friendly databases and generate the structure of any particular database. This feature is known as reverse engineering of database structures. (ConceptDraw VI Vendors, n.d.)

This software supports databases like Oracle, MS SQL, InterBase, MySQL, MS Access and Firebird. Furthermore, it can operate on Macintosh (Mac OS X 10.2 or later) and Windows (ME/2000/XP). It is available for $299.

 (Database modeling software, n.d.)

3. DeZign for databases V4

DeZign for Databases V4 is another database designing software for developers and Database administrators. Using this product, one can not only create and maintain databases but can also reverse engineer them. DeZign for Databases uses entity relationship diagrams (ERDs) for designing databases and for generating SQL and desktop databases. It is an impressive database modeling tool. Some of its features are as follows:

  • DeZign for Databases has a graphical user interface (GUI) that permits accurate designing of databases. It supports entity relationship diagrams (ERDs) to illustrate databases and generates comprehensive database diagrams.
  • Moreover, Dezign for Databases supports various data modeling reports. Therefore, one can produce different levels of detail.
  • It generates complete DDL scripts to create database or generate database directly.
  • It can import a graphical data model from existing databases.
  • Using this product, any alterations a user makes to the data model can also be applied to the database. DeZign for Databases can also generate alteration codes to alter the database. (Dezign for databases V4 Vendors, n.d.)

This software supports databases like MySQL, InterBase, Oracle, IBM DB2, MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL,  Firebird, Paradox, MS Access, dBase, Informix, Pervasive, Clipper, Sybase, Foxpro, NexusDB, and DBISAM. There are currently three different editions available: DeZign for Databases V4 Standard for € 199; DeZign for Databases V4 Professional for € 349; and DeZign for Databases V4 Expert for € 599.

(Order Datanamic’s database tools, n.d.)

Comparison of database modeling software

After studying the features of above three database products in detail, I am putting them in table to make decision convenient for the manager.




Database Design Studio-Lite (DDS-Lite) conceptdraw vi dezign for databases v4
Enhanced Entity Diagram


Data Structure Diagram


ODBC compatible databases support


Data Definition Language Scripts


Reverse Engineering


Report publishing



Flexible datatype



Cross DBMS Target compatibility
Extensive export opportunities of Design Diagrams


After a careful analysis of the aforementioned database modeling software, I personally recommend ConceptDraw VI. The reason is quite obvious. It has distinguishable features including Enhanced ERD and reverse engineering. Moreover, it is available at a reasonable cost and it can also be downloaded from its website for a free trial. Furthermore, careful study has depicted that ConceptDraw VI is a faster solution to database modeling problems which our company currently faces. Another valuable advantage of this product is that it creates and visualizes database structures. After controlling and testing work automatically it generates detailed reports. To summarize the whole argument, it is most likely to fit in any company as it supports ODBC-compatible databases.


ConceptDraw VI Vendors (n.d.) Computer systems Odessa, USA established in 1993

Retrieved May 14,2007 from http://www.conceptdraw.com/en/products/

DDS-Lite – Relational Database Modeling Software (n.d.) Chilli Source

Retrieved May 13, 2007 from http://www.dds-lite.com

Database modeling software (n.d.)Retrieved May 14,2007 from


Dezign for databases V4 Vendors (n.d.) Datanamic Solutions BV, Leiden, the Netherlands ,established in1999 Retrieved May 14,2007 from http://www.datanamic.com/dezign/index.html/

Order Datanamic’s database tools (n.d.) Retrieved May 14,2007 from


 Peasland, Brian (2006, 09 May) what is data modeling?

Retrieved May 14, 2007 from  http://searchoracle.techtarget.com/loginMembersOnly/1,289498,sid41_gci1187451,00.html?NextURL=http%3A//searchoracle.techtarget.com/expert/KnowledgebaseAnswer/0%2C289625%2Csid41_gci1187451_tax299428%2C00.html%3Ftopic%3D299428

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