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Why I feel I should be awarded a scholarship?

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I feel I should receive this scholarship award because I am a worthy recipient who will not take this opportunity for granted. This scholarship will help me to get my degree in Early Childhood Development. By earning this degree, I will then be able to one day own my own daycare/youth facility. I would love the chance to work in the field of Early Childhood Development because it will allow me to challenge and enhance their minds. Just the idea of knowing that I can help make a difference in a child/children education would be a privilege. I’ve noticed during my enrollment for the fall semester that am probably one of the oldest pupils. In a way I feel that it gives me a little advantage due to having more time to experience life, others and the world itself.

I have set forth my goals in life which makes me now more determined and motivated to take this opportunity given to me to learn all there is and succeed in reaching my goals. I’m Persistent, this truly is a quality I need to have to be successful in all I do. I’m willing to apply myself and never give up because I am worthy of this scholarship. I know by me being and staying persistence will paid off. I’m Unique, thankfully, there is only one of me. It is up to me to find a way to highlight the special qualities I possess, so others see them, too. I Can Overcome Obstacles, so please don’t tell me I can’t do something because I will try even harder to prove you wrong! Like many other students I know, I have traveled a bumpy road to get where I am today, but those obstacles gave me strength and helped me appreciate the truly important things in life. I possess these qualities and I believe in me.

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