Team Members Role

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- Category: Team
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The role of team members can be defined by the contribution each member makes towards achieving the goals of the task the group is carrying out.
When working in a team, Team members role should not be seen according to the task each member undertake but instead, the role of the member should reflect the end result or outcome of the tasks performed.
Therefore, the role of the member is basically the effect that one has on the team.
According to MTR-I, There are eight team roles which are assigned members.
The team roles include:
- Coacher- There ensures that agreement and harmony is maintained among the members. They try to create a positive team atmosphere and to reach to a consensuses with all the members.
- Crusaders- This group plays a role in producing a sense of priority so that the most crucial tasks are carried out first. They stress the most important issues in order to focus the decision on the most valuable topics.
- Explorers- They looks for new potential in situations and people they try to explore new areas to check possibilities that they present.
- Innovators- There produces a sense of imagination among the team members and contributes to introduction of new and alternative ideas and perspectives of carrying out different tasks.
- Sculptors- They ensures that things come to fruition. They come up with action to present the most urgent matters by use of techniques that they know they will work for that specific task.
- Curators- They clarifies ideas and information thus producing better knowledge and a clearer picture of the situation.
- Conductors- There produces structures and introduces a logical organization into the way things are done.
- Scientist- These produce a clear explanation of what is happening cause of problems and come up with model of the way things are supposed to be done.
There are quite a number of benefits that a group experience when working in a team in relationship to team members role.
These benefits include:
- It can lead to effectiveness of task being performed. Positive working relationship and effectiveness of work in order to meet affectivity and the required standards.
- Working in a team helps the members to be more creative in funding solution to different problems that they encounter since there are those members who are involved in coming up with possible solution for different problems (Marc, 2004, pg 117).
Other benefits that team members can gain from working as a team are divided into three classes:
- Long term sustainable process benefits.
- Long term sustainable structural benefits.
- Individual benefits.
Long terms sustainable process benefit.
- Team learning- Working as a team enable the members to learn faster since they will be helping each other.
- The system of thinking is enhanced through team work since performed in order to come up with better ideas.
- Improved communication among different groups can be facilitated when a group of people come up together to work as a team. This is because one of the aspects of good team work is proper communication among the members of team.
- Through team work, innovation can be enhanced since people have different ways of doing their tasks and with them coming together they can be able to come up with new idea (Debra, James, 2006, pg 69).
- Team work facilitates partnering since different people come together to form a team which can work together for a better of an organization.
- By working as a team and each member playing his or her part, problem solving can be enhanced due to division of task and an ideal group which concentrates mainly on solving the problems of an organization.
- Through team work, members can come up with a group of members who entirely deals with decision making of that team. This consequently results to improved decision making.
- By discussing with other members, alternative solution can be generated in case of failure of the other.
Long terms sustainable structural benefits.
- Through working as a team, members can discuss issues together and increase their focus on common goals which need to be achieved by team members.
- Technology application- Through team work, different technologies can be applied in carrying out the tasks since different individuals can come up with different technology of performing different tasks (Larissa, 2003, pg 110).
- Morale improvement- By working as a team, individuals can motivate each other to work which consequently increases the morale of members to work for the better of their task performance. This increases the sense of contribution forwards the team’s goals.
Individual benefits
- Professional growth- Team work facilitates professional growth by bringing members of the same professional to carry out a team task. This enables members to gain knowledge from each other and this result to professional growth of an individual.
- Individual growth- An individual can grow through relationship with others. One can learn from interpersonal relationships that they build through team collaboration. They get information from team participants which help to build themselves.
- Individual empowerment- Individuals are empowered to work through team work which motivate the members (Jerry, 1988, pg 82).
Most of challenges experienced by team member’s roles are mainly faced when team members are of different experimental and educational background.
Some of these challenges include:
- Building and maintaining trust between team members. Trust enables good communication between team members and sustains motivation of members to work.
- Changing expectations- This challenge emerge when members change their mindset on the way things are supposed to be done. Some members are passive in the meetings and therefore they do not contribute towards the expectations of the active members. For the challenge of expectation to be met, members should actively participate in meetings, respond to ideas and develop common understanding, focus and goal towards the task (Gutman, Patricia, Ayer, 2002, pg 80).
- Making time and scheduling- sometimes the members schedule can be so tight and therefore they do not get time to attend to meetings as expected. Other times the meetings can take longer time than unexpected which end up interrupting the normal schedule of member and this can discourage them from attending meeting in future.
- Developing new skills- These skills need to be developed for members to work as one part in a group. Members have to come to a consensus to enable development of new skills this sometimes is not possible due to lack of cooperation between the members.
Definitely these challenges can be consequently being met, it just taken a little bit of creativity and a lot of commitments to meet them.
Therefore to meet them one should know that challenges keeps an eye on other alternatives.
Team members can exchange their roles within the group to realize more benefit.
This exchange of performance can help the members to exercise their potential in different roles performed by the group. Basically team members are interdependent and they have to interact with each other to accomplish their work.
Team members provide a basis of understanding the workplace by being involved in different tasks but not performing the same task throughout.
Consequently, when members are frequently exchanged they do not address the working relationship in team dyads. They interact socially but they do not address the relationship of team dyads.
Therefore by allowing every member to exercise his or her potential in different fields, one can realize which role he or she can play best towards achieving the objectives of the organization (Linda, 2001, pg42).
Stagnation of members in one role can make them reluctant and experience monotony in work which results to boredom and poor performance in their roles.
The answers to six journalist questions are quite broad since the question is not specific.
– Who are team member?
There are people with common goal to achieve, who come together as a group in order top divide the tasks of group to efficient and faster working performance. These members communicate often, share ideas, delegates’ workload and they learn to compromise in order to achieve the goals of their task,
– What are team member.
Team members are those people who come together for a common objective. A team has common objectives to achieve and therefore a team can be made of leaders and members with different roles to play towards achieving of their goals.
In a team, the question when can be addressed in order to know when a team is needed to perform a specific task.
For example exchange- Group discussions at school are mainly made when there are different tasks to be performed.
Question where applies to that specific place where team work is needed for specific tasks to be carried out. For example at school in an organization, games and so on.
This addresses the necessity of working as a team. Before initiating any team work, members should view the benefits of working as a team in order to realize why they are doing team work but not individual work.
This question is asked in order to come up with a solution of how team work can be enhanced and learned in order to achieve its goal.
Therefore, team work is very important since it enables showing of tasks for faster working. Team members should meet the expectations of leaders for efficiency of work within a team.
Linda Holbeche, (2001), Aligning Human Resource and Business strategies, Butter Worth: New York, pg 39-46.
Ayers, Gutman L, Patricia J., (2002), Inside Dream Weave, Rinder: London, pg 156-160.
Jerry A. Johnson, (1988), Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant, Herth Worth: New York, pg 79-85.
Larissa v. Shavinira, (2003), International Hand Book of Innovation, Elsevier: New York, pg 107-144.
Debra L, James c., Nelson, (2006) Organizational Behaviour, Thomson: South Western, pg 65-75.
Mark Hanlan, (2004), High Performance Team, Greenwood, United State, pg 115-120.