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Sleep Deprivation

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  • Pages: 2
  • Word count: 326
  • Category: Sleep

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Part One: Choose a topic for an example paper. Write a thesis statement and then fill in the outline for the paper.

Topic: Sleep deprivation is causing problems for many young people.

Thesis Statement: Sleep deprivation can cause many problems for young people such as, limiting your ability to learn, forgetting important information, makes you more prone to acne, and causing agressive or inappropriate behavior.

Outline: Body

Example One Studies show that teenagers who get less than nine and a half hours of sleep, preform worse on tests and everyday homework, than teenagers who get nine and half hours of sleep or more. Sleep deprivation can cause you to be unable to concentrate on your work and stay focused. Many students who are sleep deprived have trouble learning and listening correctly opposed to someone who isn’t.

Example Two Another sign of sleep deprivation is forgetfullness. It can cause you to forget homework that is due, names, dates of significant events, and other everyday things.

Example Three Sleep deprivation produces a high stress level creating a risk for high acne levels. Not getting enough sleep makes you even more likely to get acne or another skin problem.

Example Four Sleep deprivation causes many people to act out and become irritable. Being sleep deprived makes you become agressive and causes you to lash out at other people.

Conclusion There are many factors of sleep deprivation that are causing problems for young people. Sleep deprivation can cause many problems for young people such as, limiting your ability to learn, forgetting important information, makes you more prone to acne, and causing agressive or inappropriate behavior. There are many ways to prevent yourself from becoming sleep deprived such as, dont eat, drink, or excersise within a few hours of your bedtime and avoid doing your homework right before bed. Make sleep a priority, it’s your health and education that’s at stake.

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