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Rough Draft Thesis

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  • Pages: 4
  • Word count: 788
  • Category: Nursing

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This paper focuses on the engagement of staff in the work setting and the influencing variables related to how motivation is used in engagement. The paper will look at if home life influences engagement in the work setting or if it is affected by the lack of job resources, increased job demands. The paper will also explore the opinions of nursing staff if generational differences may affect engagement. Research Proposal

Problem and setting
The key influences for engagement among the nursing staff on my present unit, Post Anesthesia Care Unit/Preoperative Holding, are there incentives for staff to be more engaged besides providing excellent care to patients? I would like to look at the behavioral indicators providing evidence that the nurses are engaged u their work settings? Looking at what factors may contribute to the loss or lack of engagement among certain nurses in the unit and if it is related to a generational component?

Identify sub-problems
What are the pertinent questions that need to be answered to further clarify your research topic (see slide #4).

will best resolve the identified problem (thesis, research utilization, evidence-based practice) and state your research hypothesis or question.

(overall study goal) and objectives (slide #17) motivation can be defined as an objective-directed behavior. Essentially a motive basically represents a reason for doing something (which Motivation is the foundation of goal-oriented behavior; it is one key element between failure and success; Clearly motivated, engaged and committed employees perform much better than people who are just motivated or just engaged or just committed. The combination of the three factors would actually produce an ideal effect, which is indeed very tricky to achieve in practice. Benefits and salary, as part of a total reward model where the different components of financial and non-financial reward play a coordinate role to implement an organization’s reward philosophy and strategy, can clearly reveal to be important contributors to employees’ engagement, commitment and motivation. After all what it takes in order to motivate, engage and commit staff is offering them learning and development opportunities, an appropriate working environment and coherent pay and benefits packages, in other word a consistent and well developed and designed total reward

Delimitations of your study
What is relevant and what is not?

Key variables
making sure to clarify which are independent and which are dependent. . (a) age, (b) gender, (c) job type, (d) health risk status, and (e) social support.

incentives for participation, (d) a supportive organizational culture, and (e) senior level support for employee health management. Research Design This quantitative study relied on a cross-sectional design and three secondary data sources that were collected as part of a larger study aimed at identifying best practices for WHP program participation and health risk reduction.

Initial Assumptions
that relate to your study. This list may grow as you progress in the development of your proposal. An assumption is that the dependent measures were accurate representations of individual motivation to engage in healthy working conditions. A conceptual model grounded in an ecological approach to health behavior was used to organize the literature review. Variables could be categorized as intrapersonal, interpersonal, and environmental.

List the reasons (in outline format) why this study is important (significance of the study.) After all what it takes in order to motivate, engage and commit staff is offering them learning and development opportunities, an appropriate working environment and coherent pay and benefits packages, in other word a consistent and well developed and designed total reward scheme.


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Galvan, J. L. (2013). Writing literature reviews: A guide for students of the social and behavioral sciences. Glendale, CA: Pyrczak Publishers.

Hallberg, I. H. (1994). Satisifaction with nursing care and work during a yearof clinical supervision and individualized care. Journal of Nursing Management, 1, 297-307.

Leedy, P. D. (2012). Practical research: Planning and design. Plus my education lab with Pearson eText. Boston, MA: Pearson Publishers.

Schaufeli, W. B. (2004). Job demands, job resources, and their relationship with burnout and engagement: a multi-sample study. Journal of Organizational Behavior , 25, 293-315.

Sparks, A. M. (2012). Psychological empowerment and job satisifaction between
Baby Boomer and Generation X nurses. Journal of Nursing Management(20), 451-460.

Zangaro, G. A. (2007). A Meta-Analysis of Studies of Nurses Job Satisfaction. Research in Nursing & Health(30), 445-458.

Health Resources and Services Administration. The Registered Nurse Survey Population: Initial Findings from the 2008 National Sample Survey of Registered Nurses.2010. http://bhpr.hrsa.gov/health-workforce/rnsurveys/rnsurveyinitial2008.pdf. Nurse.com Jackson Healthcare , www.jacksonhealthcare.com/media-room/surveys/nurse- practice-trends-survey-2012.aspx

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