Principles of Diversity, Equality and Inclusion in Adult Social Care Setting

- Pages: 5
- Word count: 1155
- Category: Disability Discrimination
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Order Now1. Understanding the importance of diversity, equality, and inclusion. 1.1 Define what is meant by:
1.1.i diversity
Diversity recognises that though people have things in common with each other, they are also different and unique in many ways. Diversity is about recognising and valuing those differences. Diversity therefore consists of various factors that include personal characteristics such as background, culture, personality in addition to the characteristics that are protected under discrimination legislation in terms of race, disability, gender, religion and belief, sexual orientation and age.
Diversity is about treating people as individuals and embracing their uniqueness.
1.1 ii equality
Often people confuse equality with treating everybody the same but this isn’t always appropriate, therefore treating people fairly and making sure everyone has equal opportunities is more suitable. Example, having laws that everyone must follow is a form of equality as everyone has the same rights in relation to the law. Equality ensures access to opportunities for all and helps to prevent discrimination from occurring.
1.1 iii inclusion
Inclusion is the total opposite of discrimination it means to be fully included, to make people feel valued and respected irrespective of ethnicity, gender, disability, culture, age, religion and sexual orientation, medical or other need. It is about giving equal access and opportunities, breaking down barriers and getting rid of discrimination and intolerance. Inclusion enables people to feel respected and give them a sense of belonging. Inclusion in the social care setting is ensuring the individual is the centre of their lives encouraging their involvement in the care and support provided.
1.1 iv discrimination
Discrimination is the unequal treatment of individuals, usually on the basis of gender, race, age, religion or disability. It is an unfair or unjust action towards members of a specific group.
1.2 Describe how direct or indirect discrimination may occur in the work place.
Direct discrimination happens when you’re dealt with unfairly on the basis of one of the grounds (compared with someone who doesn’t have that ground). Examples
・Your told at a job interview the position you are being interviewed for is more suitable to someone younger than yourself.
・A position in the company is refused to a person because they have a disability. I.e. Wheelchair user, when simple planning would enable the person to access the building with no issues.
・Training is only available to full time employees even though the part time staff require the same level of training.
Indirect discrimination is not as obvious as direct discrimination. Sometimes, a policy, rule or practice seems fair because it applies to everyone equally, but a closer look shows that some people are being treated unfairly. This is because some people or groups of people are unable or less able to comply with the rule or are disadvantaged because of it. If this policy or practice is ‘not reasonable’, it may be indirect discrimination.
・The Company states that all employees must work night shift, this is indirect discrimination as it could exclude those who have children to care for. ・Advertising a job to certain age group as this could exclude those not in that age group. ・Not making reasonable adjustments at work could exclude those employees with a disability.
1.3 Explain how practices that support diversity, equality, inclusion reduce the likelihood of discrimination.
Treating the individual fairly, on the same level and providing them with equal opportunities will enable the individual to feel valued. Inclusion and embracing of individuality and the breakdown of stereotypes will empower individuals to express their views. Promoting good practice and preventing discrimination.
2.Know how to work in an inclusive way.
2.1 List key legislation and codes of practice relating to diversity, equality, inclusion and discrimination in adult social acre settings.
There are various pieces of legislation in place to promote equality and reduce discrimination. These include:
Þ The Disability Discrimination Act 2005
Þ Equality Act 2010
Þ The Human Rights Act 1998
Þ The Sex Discrimination Act 1975.
Þ Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006.
Codes of Conduct (Social Care Workers).
‘7).Uphold and promote equality, diversity and inclusion.’ ‘1). respect the individuality and diversity of the people who use health and care services, their careers and your colleagues.’ ‘2). not discriminate or condone discrimination against people who use health and care services, their carers or your colleagues.’ ‘3). promote equal opportunities and inclusion for the people who use health and care services and their carers.’ ‘4). report any concerns requarding equality, diversity and inclusion to a senior member of staff as soon as possible.’ 2.2 Describe how to interact with individuals in an inclusive way.
Ensuring the individual is fully involved in all aspects of their care (Active Participation), supporting and encouraging the individual in their care planning and decision making. Showing genuine interest in the individual’s life and empathy for the individuals concerns or needs. Respecting people’s cultures, belief and interests shows a sign of respect towards the person, using these differences in cultures and belief’s to build relationships. Two-way communication is vital this should be done using the individuals preferred method of communication. 2.3 Describe ways in which discrimination may be challenged in adult social care settings Discrimination can be challenged in various ways; companies will put in place policy and procedures reflecting the current legislation and the law.
Explanation of key issues surrounding discrimination and taking immediate action when discrimination occurs keeps discrimination a thing of the past. Reporting procedures, clear and precise documentation informing of the intolerance of discrimination, and providing access to training for staff helps make everyone aware that discrimination is not accepted. Supporting individuals to feel empowered to tackle discrimination themselves when it arises also helps to eliminate discrimination. 3. Know how to access information, advice and support about diversity, equality, inclusion and discrimination.
3.1 Identify sources of information, advice and support about diversity, equality, inclusion and discrimination.
Team Leaders, Line Mangers, Training Providers, Skills for Care Council, Workplace Policies & Procedures, Work Colleagues, Charities, Government Websites, Local Authority Websites, Citizens Advice and Acas.
3.1 Describe how and when to access information, advice and support about diversity, equality, inclusion, and discrimination.
Accessing Information;
Accessing information is pretty simple; the simplest way is an internet search which brings up lots of relevant information, alternatively contacting the local authority or individual organisations directly as these can offer assistance. Referencing up to date workplace policies and procedures or government legislation which I have access to in my place of work.
When to Access the Information;
Þ When starting working in adult social care settings (Regular referencing when in the job role) Þ Change of job role and responsibilities in the Adult Social Care Setting Þ If having difficulty promoting diversity, inclusion or equality in your job role or setting Þ Working in environments where discrimination is present
Þ When clarification is needed
Þ When an individual or colleague request or requires assistance.