Narrative report

- Pages: 5
- Word count: 1146
- Category: Skills
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Order NowI learned a lot from my experiences as an On-the-Job Trainee of Aboitiz Power, Therma Mobile Inc. First of all, I’m very much gratified for the support and understanding of my superiors especially on times when I committed mistakes. More than any learning thought in school, I learned to be with others, to work with people.
I learn also to listen to my senior, Mr. Balali even though at times I can’t understand his instructions. I also learn to accept criticism and be apologetic for my mistakes. He particularly imparts in me what I must know in making use of corporate resources and corporate values.
Furthermore, I’m very grateful that they expose me so much on what I must know regarding the work which suits my course. I’m very thankful that they treat me like them and they trust me with my work. I appreciate so much the working environment I had with in the company because it helps me absorbed what I need to know.
I actually learned to prepare consolidated statements of different accounts and comparative statements for those accounts which Ms. Yvonne Jagmoc entrusted me. I actually prepared customer chargeback flowchart which I used to do in school during my second years. I also prepared transmittals for sales invoices and summary for cash transactions and sales. I was also trained to prepare debit and credit memo; disbursement journals; sales report; cash request; and update last year’s sales, deliveries, and monthly orders by vendor and by customer. I was also taught to prepare budget forecast, sales returns provisions and commission payable provisions. I was also able to prepare company margins which I enjoyed so much.
The everyday experiences I had in this company are really most treasured. The knowledge I obtain here are beyond compare than any other experiences I acquired from school and supplementary learning from books. What I had here will always be with me and rest assured I will apply what I’ve in every circumstance that I… [continues]
The Hotel and Restaurant Management student of Central Luzon State University shows good deep manner and dedication which prove to others that the institution produces high quality product future hoteliers. The time that we will prove what things we what we earned in the school is a right weapon to compete to other school. This is the beginning, first step to become well refined HRM students to take the job training skills. Training is to achieve of knowledge, skills, and competencies as a result of the teaching of vocational or practical skills and knowledge that relate to specific useful competencies.
A training that focuses for the future continues training beyond initial qualifications, upgrade and update skills throughout working life. It forms the core of apprenticeships and provides the backbone of content at institutes of technology also known as technical colleges or polytechnics. On-the-job training is the oldest form of training. Prior to the advent of off-site training classrooms, the only practical way of learning a job was working alongside experienced workers in a particular trade or profession. On-the-job training programs range from formal training with company supervisors to learning by watching and assisting devotedly to become effective and competitive. In this sense, trainers who become the workers by experienced.
Importance of the On-the-Job Training
OJT has a big significant, this one of the effective method to develop the competencies skills of students is through hands – on training. This process exposes the students to the different fields and learning, to have a familiar with the actual operation of the hotel, have a opportunities to become well rounded and refined hotelier. Trainees are able to learn things appropriate to achieve goals of the firm, morale, productivity, and professionalism will normally be high in those individuals’ trainees. Objectives of the On-the-Job Training
What is ojt?
It allows students to have a large and wide scope in today’s world, but classroom experience itself is not sufficient to survive the ever growing competition. To survive, hands-on experience at dealing with real-world problems of direct concern is essential. OJT provides a unique way for students to obtain this kind of practical experience OJT basically means learning while doing. it is an important way in which people acquire relevant knowledge and skills at work. Advantages and Disadvantages of OJT?
OJT helps the students to familiarize themselves with the job-related equipments and gain direct experience to an approved standard. As they are supervised, their confidence level is boosted and they learn to perform jobs right. the students get an idea of how to handle responsibilities.
Inconsistent – Traditional OJT relies heavily on an experienced employee to provide the instruction based on what they feel are the most important topics. What is important to one employee may not be important to another. The result is what is learned may vary greatly, depending on who is assigned as the trainer. Incomplete – Without a structured lesson guide, OJT trainers often forget to cover important information. What is learned is likely to be based on what happened that day rather than on what a new employee needs to know to be safe and productive. Lack of founding principles – While the hands-on aspect of OJT may appeal to the practical learner, often the underlying theories of operation are not covered in sufficient detail or accuracy. Without this foundation of knowledge, trainees often learn what to do, not why they are doing it, resulting in poor decision making when things don’t go exactly right. Bad habits – The trainee observes and may adopt the trainer’s habits and attitudes about all aspects of the job including safety, quality, customer service, and relationship with management. Poorly selected trainers can have many unintended consequences.
Advantages :
* Trainees are provided with job experience, an invaluable asset for achieving gainful employment. * Trainees are exposed to the numerous advantages that are associated with being employed. They earn an income through a stipend but they also become more familiar with interpersonal relationships, networking, responsibility and the importance of interdependence within the working environment.
* Trainees get an opportunity to prove themselves to an employer and, based on their work performance and the existence of vacancies within the organization, they may eventually be employed on a more permanent basis.
* Training time is reduced when compared to traditional off site learning.
* From an employer’s prospective, OJT can be an advantage in that it can increase the productivity of workers. Well-trained employees will be better at performing their jobs no matter what type of job they hold. Even though it is costly to train employees, the investment can pay off in the future as workers employ their new skills. Work that is low quality or performed improperly can also be costly; training can help eliminate these issues.