Lucille Ball

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- Word count: 1936
- Category: Grandparents
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Order Now“I’m not funny. What I am is brave.” -Lucille Ball. The meaning of this quote is you must have the courage to face the possibility, even if you might be abandon. It might change someone’s life. You can’t be scared to face what might happen, but you must face the consequences. She talks about standing up for yourself and not letting people push you around. Another meaning is you can’t be afraid to stand up for what is right even if people don’t take you seriously. This quote is related to Lucille since her goal was to show the world that women are strong and brave. They can also do anything a men can do, like play sports or acting. Lucille wanted to show people that women shouldn’t be toss around but respected, and shouldn’t always be seem as a joke. But, since Lucy was also a comedian, she also wanted to show people the fun side of women, not just the housewives. Lucy wanted people to realized that women should be equally as respected compared to men. Lucille Ball was an American actress, that was famous for “I Love Lucy”, she is brave and doesn’t care what others think about her. Lucy was an important figure in American history since she was the first female comedian and she also showed that a women are worthy, special, and can do almost about anything a man can do. Lucy was also the first at many activities including things in her own field, acting. She also shown women to let them respect themselves. She also wanted people to stop comparing men and women since they are both very different in accessibilities.
Lucille Ball was born on August 6th, 1911. Many people also have a nickname for her, “Lucy”. Lucy was born in her hometown, Jamestown New Jersey. Some of her family members included her mother, father, and brother. Lucy mother was Desiree Evelyn Hunt, her dad died when she was three, but his name has Henry Durrell Ball, and finally her brother Fred Ball.
Lucy went to elementary school, middle school, high school, and college. Lucy went to the John Murray Anderson School for Dramatic Acts in New York at the age of 15. Lucy went to the Drama school but was always outshined by another student since she was always shy. Due to this, the principle of the school didn’t think she has enough talent so they talked to Desiree about her talent. The principle didn’t think she fit the school enough, so Lucy dropped out and just worked in the real world instead.
Many significant events also impacted her to what she was known for. The first was how she audition for many shows but was eventually fired. Again they told her she should just give up since she has no talent. But of course, she was determine and didn’t care what other people think about. The next event was when she was only a baby, her father died when she was just three years old. Due to this, Lucy was cared by her mother and grandparents. Since she lived with her grandparents and they were hardcore into theater, the always encouraged her to pursue her dream as an actor. The school that she went to when she was only 15, impacted her. They shown her to not cared what others think about yourself but keep moving. The school was famous for Drama, but since she dropped out, it changed her life. And finally the last event, was how she later return to New York to continue her acting gigs. She use the stage name “Diane Belmont” and got a job, not an acting job. She first got a job at a Drugstore in Broadway and following that job become a hair salonist.
Many people in Lucy family inspired her, including her mother and ex-fiance. Her grandparents and mother again very much encouraged her into continuing doing theatre. For example, her grandfather took the whole family to watch Lucy plays in her school. Her mother was very encouraging as well, she understood Lucy love for arts and of course supported her every decisions.
Her first small acting career was an extra, or background, in The Three Musketeers. Then following that gigs, in 1937 landed a role in Stage Door. She meet her ex-fiance, Desi Arnaz when filming Dance, Girl, Dance. When married, Desi and Lucy made a productions, which led to I Love Lucy, her most famous film. From her past experiences, for example the John Murray school, her earlier jobs, and earlier acting gigs help her in I Love Lucy. When I Love Lucy first launch, it rose to fame slowly but later spark and reach the climax.
Lucy also face many pre-famous issues that she had to overcome like many other actors as well. First, was the rivalry in her old theater school. As mention, the girl also outshined Lucy, but after she left, she managed to over shined the girl. Another was when she was filming I Love Lucy, she was pregnant with Desi child. In the 1900s, no actors were accepted on television when they were pregnant. Lucy had to decide to either appeared on television as the first lady seen pregnant or to quit while she was pregnant. But Lucy was brave and didn’t care what other think, so of course she decide to appeared on the show. Later many people accepted since they were in love with her and I Love Lucy. An issue that many people also face was drugs and smoking habits. Lucy had a very serious smoking habits mostly due to stress. Another reason was her dad passing away at a young age. Lucy started around her teens and promised to stop, which she did. And finally, many doubted her since she was a woman, and people believed woman couldn’t run a business or even be a good actor, but she proved them wrong.
Lucy done many things that made her famous, including her roles and impact in the world. Lucy landed a role in I Love Lucy as Lucy Ricardo along with her husband. She again was the first person to appeared pregnant on television. Lucy was also the few many woman that was acting on a show. Lucy and Desi were the first tv couple that appeared together. Another important problems during her time was women being compared and not look at. She shown that women are worthy and people look up to her as a leader in women empowerment.
Lucy won the 1956 Golden Globe Award for Television Achievement is given to a person who is recognized in Film and Television, both domestic and foreign. This Medal is awarded by the President himself, Bush, to someone who made contributions or national interest to the US or significant public over. Lucy also received the 2007 TV Land Legacy of Laughter Award. This award is given to the whole entire show which made many people laugh. Lucy also won many other award. Lucy and her husband together created I Love Lucy, which includes the Desilu Productions, Lucy and Arnaz name. Following, the Desi and Lucy divorce, the productions was given to her to take over. But she then resold it since she wasn’t going to continue I Love Lucy. This show became one of the biggest hit show during their time and is still remember today.
Lucy also had major pitfalls and problems once Lucy had become famous. One of the many pitfalls was once the Desilu Productions ended along with the show I Love Lucy. The show ended because Desi and Lucy divorce, they filed a divorce since he was unfaithful to her. The divorce between Desi and Lucy was very horrible, had many problems before the divorce was actually filed. Lucy also had to sale the productions to a company since she didn’t need it anymore. Lucy also had two miscarriages before she was pregnant with her son.
America is different because of Lucy in many different reasons. Lucille was the first female comedian actress. Many women were actress but none were actually comedian, so Lucy was the first. Lucy also proved that any women can do anything rather than being an object. Lucy shown to the world that women are worthy, and they are as worthy as men. During her time, many women just had plain blonde hair. But, Lucy wanted to be different from the rest of the blondes, so she dyed her hair red and a tint of orange, to stand out. In her hometown, there would be a festival for her, where fans would come and act and dress like her.
The drama acts and the acting film change many things according to Lucy. For example, if Lucy wasn’t an actress and famous, Carol Burnett wouldn’t be famous. Lucy was the real reason of why we have Star Trek. Lucy and Desi was also the first TV couple that appeared on TV together. Lucille also was the first person to appeared pregnant on television in her time. Women appearing on comedian show also became more frequent, and audience didn’t judge as much. Women can now appeared pregnant on television without being judge and called out like old times, thanks to Lucy.
Lucy was very down to Earth according to many of her co-stars and directors. Lucy was also very funny, loveable, vulnerable, and also a strong leader. How she act on camera, was also how she act of camera according to many of her friends. Lucy didn’t believe in fake, but she wanted people to be more honest. Lucy also portrayed the traits as a man and a women, to be harsh but gentle. Without this, I Love Lucy might not be what it is. She was describe as a leader because she had her own company, she also did many other accomplishments that set her from other actors. Since of her humor, that is what made her successful and honor like she is.
You can be a leader, being a leader will help you throughout life. Being a leader, you help guide people, create, and that was what Lucy was. One of her many lessons, was to be true to yourself and the ones around you. She liked people when they are honest, and she also wants others to be honest as well. Lucy also wanted to show that a woman can do anything if she wanted to, if she put her heart and mind to the goal. Anything a man does a woman can do better. But, Lucy also wanted men and women to be able to speak their minds, not just women, to have opinions and for them to be heard. In conclusion, Lucy wants them to have courage, being brave in life can help you plenty.
People look up to Lucille Ball because she was brave and had courage to speak her mind even if people might disagree. They also look up to her as a leader in the female comedian actress. To not be afraid to be the first of something since you might be able to make a difference like Lucy. She also wanted men and women to be able to speak their minds without constantly being judge, since it can make a difference. People also respected Lucy since she didn’t exclude female or male, she stood up to both, speaked her mind, and believe they should have the same amounts of rights, no one more nor less. Â