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Jakarta at Glance

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Jakarta as the metropolitan which occupied more than 9 million people population, which are exhibit incredible in a unique diversity of tribes, language, culture and traditions. As the nation capital, Jakarta is truly a “Melting Pot” of representatives from throughout the archipelago.

Jakarta has extraordinarily developed and would be at the tourism forefront in Asia over the next few decades. Amusement park, skyscrapers forest, high fashion shopping center, finest culinary dining, nightlife and entertainment place, luxurious housing, hotels and apartment, research institutions, well education facilities and cultural organizations certainly made Jakarta as the one of the demanding tourism city. The Capital City is the prominent gateway to the rest of Indonesia. From Jakarta, sophisticated land, air and sea transport is available to the rest of the country.

Jakarta A City With Thousands Of Opportunities

Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia, an archipelago country consisting of about 13,000 islands and 200 million people. Indonesia ha s a unique diversity of tribes, language, culture, customs and religion. The diversity was mirrored in the capital city of Jakarta. Jakarta whose population has grown approaching to 10 million people is one of the cities in Asia, which is much often talked about with the certain reasons. Jakarta has extraordinarily developed and would be at the forefront in Asia over the next few decades. Jakarta is unique with its status as the capital city of Indonesia and the center of the city administration. Jakarta is also a center of social, cultural and health activities. Jakarta is the prominent gateway of Indonesia. As of its geographical condition, land, air and sea transportations are also available.

Jakarta The City Administration

Based on its territory and number of population, Jakarta stands a province equal to the other provinces in Indonesia. As a province Jakarta is led by a governor who is held to take direct responsibility to the president of the Republic of Indonesia through the minister of home affairs. With the double status as province and capital city of Indonesia, Jakarta has got the status of the local capital city of provincial administration.

Jakarta City Of History

The history of Jakarta dates back from around 500 years ago in a small downstream of Ciliwung River. For centuries, the city port develops into a bustling international trade center.

The story of Jakarta at the earlier phase emanates from the diverse ancient inscriptions found in the nearby port. The untold stories of Jakarta up until the earlier arrival of European colonialists were very scarce.

Jakarta, The Trade City

No doubt that Jakarta is the main center of Indonesian economy. Either national or international investors are interested in participating in the Indonesian economy activities. The central government recently has determined a set of policy in order to trigger the growth of the Jakarta economy, to perfect the export and investment rules and to simplify the banking rule. The government fully support the private sectors such as the financial support for social and cultural activities. Therefore the private sectors play an important role in the national government.

Jakarta, The Tourism And Cultural City

Jakarta’s reputation is rapidly developed as the “tourism city” as there are many new tourism infrastructures, entertainment centers, and international-class hotels and restaurants. Jakarta also possesses many historical places and cultural heritage. Tourism, one of the service industry,is developed rapidly and owns many opportunities to get developed all the time. Jakarta has a new, elegant Convention Center which can house 3000 people. Jakarta keeps on developing the infrastructures in order to attract the world’s attention to hold some international events. In this way, it is obvious that the government is trying to develop Jakarta equal to other big cities in the world.

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