Implement and monitor WHS policies

- Pages: 5
- Word count: 1159
- Category: Health Management
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The Work Health and Safety Management System is the framework of how we organize Work Health and Safety (WHS) in the hotel BARCELONA. This Policy and Procedure Manual is organized in accordance with AS/NZ 4801- Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems and includes references to applicable WHS legislation including the WHS Regulation 2011. This WHS Policy and Procedures Manual contains general procedures for safe work. Individual job specific safety procedures are maintained by individual departments. Our WHS related documentation is stored in the HEMSafe system Using the HEMSafe guided system we have developed our WHS Policy and have planned how our WHS Management System is going to work.
We are implementing that system now through communication and instruction so that everyone in the hotel knows what is expected of them. We will regularly evaluate the WHS Management System performance through regular internal WHS (OHS) System Self audits and through regular workplace inspections, and Risk Assessments Management will also review the Work Health and Safety Management System after the results of any external audit (if undertaken) by examining the results of the audit, the recommendations stated in the audit, and by consulting with workers to provide a clearer picture on how we can improve our performance.
⢠NSW OHS Act 2000
⢠OHS Regulation 2001
⢠Workers Compensation Act 1987
⢠Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998 ⢠Dangerous Goods Act 1975 B)
In accordance with the Work Health and Safety Legislation 2011 the hotel BARCELONA and its Directors recognise their moral and legal obligations to provide a safe and healthy working environment for employees, apprentices, contractors, and labour hire employees, (defined in the WHS Act 2011 as workers) so far as is reasonably practical. Where hotel employees are required to work offsite the same Policies and Procedures will apply. The hotel BARCELONA is also committed to providing a safe and health environment for its customers/clients and visitors so far as is reasonably practical. We are committed to implementing and maintaining a clear, Work Health and Safety Management System that has the support of everyone in the organisation.
So far as is reasonably practical our hotel will:
⢠Provide a safe and healthy workplace for all workers
⢠Provide safe plant and systems of work
⢠Provide written procedures and instructions that ensure safe systems of work
⢠Ensure compliance with WHS legislation and current industry standards
⢠Provide relevant training, information, instruction, and supervision to employees, contractors, visitors and /or customers to ensure their health and safety
⢠Provide assistance and ongoing support to employees regarding WHS issues Responsibilities
All staff are responsible and will be held accountable for implementing those aspects of the Policy for which they are responsible. Performance will be measured regularly in accordance with hotel policy. Designated âOfficersâ and / or Management will:
⢠Provide a hotel in a safe condition
⢠Be involved in developing, promoting and implementing health and safety policies and procedures
⢠Be involved in developing, promoting and implementing workplace hazard and risk identification and management
⢠Train employees and other relevant workers in the safest method to perform their work tasks
⢠Provide and ensure usage of, adequate resources and information to meet our hotelsâs commitment to Work Health and Safety
Workers will:
⢠Take reasonable care for their own health and safety
⢠Follow all procedures detailed within our hotel WHS Policy and Procedures
⢠Report any injury, illness, hazard or unsafe work practice to Management as they occur C)
Purpose: To have a defined method of Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Control so as to eliminate or minimise the potential for work place related injuries and incidents. Scope: This procedure covers all employees and contractors in the hotel. Special responsibility for this procedure lies with Management and those delegated to perform Inspections. This procedure applies to all activities within the hotel. The information of the hazards that have been identified in the work place are recorded in the hazards book, accessible to all the staff of the hotel. The procedure works in a cycle as follows:
1. Identify Hazard
2. Assess Risk
3. Control Risk
4. Review
Associated risk assessment
Make a relation between the hazard their likelihood and how badly could someone be hurt by this hazard, and develop a risk scores and suggested action time frames.
1. Elimination of the Hazard
2. Substitution
3. Isolation
4. Engineering Controls
5. Administrative Controls
6. Personal Protective Equipment and Clothing
Section B
Purpose: To maintain a secure workplace where all staff, management and contractors training and WHS skills are recorded the need for additional training identified and scheduled. Scope: This procedure covers the training records and WHS skills of all management, staff and contractors at the hotel.
Skills Register
The hotel maintains an WHS Skills Register / Training Records which is essentially a record of all staff/management training and qualifications and where relevant training records of contractors.. Copies of these training documents /certificates are kept in individual staff files. Attendance records for training sessions held on the premises are retained with the skills register.
Training materials
Copies of all training materials such as standard operating procedures, induction handbooks etc are retained with the training records. Contractors receive site induction for each site. Staff Induction
The hotel has a program of induction for all new staff that includes general WHS knowledge and information on individual responsibilities. Job specific and site specific information is provided by the supervisor of the area in which the employee will work.
The Directors will provide the necessary funds to further the training and WHS Skills of Management and staff as appropriate. Management
Management is responsible for organising proper training for staff as appropriate. Management is also responsible for the recording of that training. Management will be trained in First Aid.
Supervisors / Staff
Supervisors and staff must produce copies of all relevant qualifications/certificates relevant to WHS and their hotel role upon commencement of their duties in this hotel. They must also attend all/any WHS related training as directed by Management
Name: AdriĂ Sala Date: 12/4/2014
Location: Melbourne
Equipment: A
Description of the hazard: We were working in the hotel hall kitchen and we saw how the kitchen hand cut his self with a knife while he was cutting the onions. Suggested corrective action: Provide more training to the staff so they can improve their skills using knifes and also implement the use of safe gloves for those staff that have to deal all the shifts with sharp tools. Signature: Adrià Sala
Having identified the hazards in your workplace, assessed their risks and reviewed the existing controls, all hazards must be managed before people are hurt, become ill or there is damage to plant, property or the environment. The management of risks in the workplace requires eliminating risks so far as reasonably practicable in the first instance. Where elimination is not possible, then risks should be minimised, so far as reasonably practicable. All hazards that have been assessed should be dealt with in order of priority. The most effective control option/s should be selected to eliminate or minimise risks. The Hierarchy of Controls (see diagram below) ranks control options from highest level of protection and reliability to lowest. This should be used to determine the most effective control.