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Healthy Habits

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Introduction. Each and every individual has a body composition that is made up of a percentage of fat tissue and a percentage of lean tissue. Typically, not one person will have the same body composition as another. To find the proportions of our body composition, we use several methods of measuring our total body density. As does most research, each test has its pros and cons so that is why the purpose of these labs was to assess our body composition using different approaches in measuring our total body density to further calculate our body composition. Methods. The labs performed were constituted of hydrostatic weighing and the skinfold test. In performing the hydrostatic weighing method, subjects were to sit in a chair connected to an underwater weighing apparatus inside a tank. When the subject was ready, they would exhale greatly and then submerge themselves into the water. Once the subject had released all of their air and was completely immersed in the water, we recorded the underwater weight read on the apparatus. This was repeated 7 times, in which we took the 3 highest trials and averaged them out.

To be able to properly calculate our body density, we also had to take into consideration the weight of the chair and the temperature of the water (which helps us know the density of the water) the subjected was immersed in. The second test was the skinfold test. To perform the skinfold test, we marked 7 specific anatomical locations, all of which were on the right side of the body. Once we were able to correctly identify the area in which we were supposed to be measuring, we would, with our index finger and thumb of our left hand, pinch the skinfold (horizontally or diagonally dependent on the location being measured). To ensure that we didn’t include the muscle in our reading, we shook the skinfold before applying the caliper. Once we were ready to take a measurement, we applied the caliper perpendicular to the skin fold and slowly released the pressure to obtain our reading.

We did each of the 7 anatomical locations twice and needed to ensure that it was within about 1-2 millimeters of each other. With our measurements, we then further proceeded in using 3 different formulas: seven-site formula, three-site formula A, and three-site formula B. Results. Based on the two tests executed in the lab my bone density was: 1.03, 1.03, 1.04, and 1.02 kg•L-1 for the hydrostatic weigh, seven-site formula, three-site formula A, and three-site formula B subsequently. My percent (%) fat using the Brozek and Keys formula was: 29.5%, 29.5%, 25.2%, and 33.8%. Using the Siri test, my percent (%) body fat was 30.6%, 30.6%, 25.9%, and 35.3%. Conclusion. It was hard to tell which test had a more accurate measurement. For the hydrostatic weigh, and the seven-site skinfold test I got the same results as far as bone density, and % fat (calculated by the Brozek & Keys, and the Siri formulas).

The only visible difference in the data is the percent (%) fat calculated from the three-site formulas, in which makes sense. The three-site formulas only focus on three specific sites out of the seven, some of which on an individual may have more or less localized fat in these areas than others. Error in which could have occurred in the skinfold test was while my partner was measuring my skinfold, I was too tense for an accurate reading. This would affect the amount of skinfold that she was able to be measure, and not properly reflect my total body density. Lay Interpretation. Body composition is a good way of understanding the appearance of our bodies and their optimal performance. It tells us whether or not we need to shed some more fat or build more muscle. Generally, those who live a more sedentary lifestyle are going to have a higher percentage of body fat than those who are physically active such as athletes. To help reduce the risk factors for frequent diseases associated with an excess of fat, you can engage in a healthy amount of physical activity as well as healthy eating habits, and live a healthy lifestyle. 

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