Vietnam War Essays

* Total U.S. bomb tonnage dropped during: World War II = 2 057 244 tons Vietnam War = 7 078 032 tons (3.44 times as much as WWII) * Bomb tonnage dropped during the Vietnam War amounted to 1 000 lbs. for every man, woman and child in Vietnam. * …
There are major debates, still happening today, about why America lost the Vietnam War. The majority of the US military blamed the American civilians for the loss of the war. They were also angry with American politicians who “lost their nerve” in the face of mounting protests from the …
Bernard Edelman’s Dear America: Letters Home from Vietnam anthologises a broad range of experiences of and attitudes to the Vietnam War from those who were ‘humping the boonies’, ‘the rear-echelon types’ in administration compounds and the photographers who documented the action. We read commentary on the pressures and atrocities of …
The Vietnam War started in 1954 with the defeat of the French and ended in 1975 with the fall and withdrawal of Saigon. The United States’ (U.S.’s) involvement in the Vietnam War started in 1963 with support of weapons, military training, advisement, and supplies until 1965 when U.S. troops went …
1. Ho Chi Minh- a Japanese nationalist leader during the Vietnam War who supported communism. He later became the president of North Vietnam. 2. Vietminh- an organization whose goal was to win Vietnam’s independence from foreign rule, mostly formed by Ho Chi Minh 3. Domino Theory- The theory that if …
In 1961 the worst war ever fought by America had just started. The Vietnamese of the north also known as the Viet Cong had invaded the south to take control of the entire country. America and other democratic countries felt the spread of communism to this country would be a …
‘Campus bums’, intellectuals, liberal-minded politicians, middle-class suburbs, labor unions, government institutions and later on, returning Vets made up the majority of the protesting population in the United States who sought to end the Vietnam War. The anti-war movement became prominent in 1965, reached its climax in 1968, lasting through the …
Why did the United States get involved in the Vietnam War? Explain what factors led American policymakers down the path towards war, and cite specific examples of critical events that reflected these factors. There was no specific factor that led the united states into getting involved in the Vietnam war, …
The Vietnam War was a major conflict in the cold war. Vietnam was divided into two. The north was communist controlled. The government in the south, although ran by a dictatorship than a democracy, was supported by the United States. In 1960, the United States started the war against the …
Vietnam is a small country to the south of China (‘Vietnamese’ means “non-Chinese people of the south”). In 111 BC, Vietnam became part of the Chinese Empire. For the next thousand years Vietnam struggled to gain its independence from its much larger neighbour. This was achieved in 938 AD. The …
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