Protest Essays

The feature article “Sexed up tween advertising shows fashion needs to grow up”, by Emma Rush and Caroline Norma, is an extremely effective protest text against the sexual exploitation of young girls in the fashion industry. Its textual form allows it to strategically target influential audiences and the article itself …
Document #6 entitled “Herbert Hoover Protests the New Deal” shows how President Hoover completely disagreed with the New Deal and said that it was an inevitable failure. He mentioned, “This is the issue upon which men are imprisoned and dying in Europe right now.” This was the year 1936 when …
Aboriginal Charters of Rights We want hope, not racialism, Brotherhood, not ostracism, Black advance, not white ascendance: Make us equals, not dependants. We need help, not exploitation, We want freedom, not frustration; Not control, but self-reliance, Independence, not compliance, Not rebuff, but education, Self-respect, not resignation. Free us from a …
From Tehelka Magazine, Vol 9, Issue 31, Dated 04 Aug 2012: NEARLY 1,200 policemen and an oppressive heat hung over the burnt remains of Maruti’s Manesar factory in Haryana, the day after. On 19 July 2012, one day since a workers’ mob attacked senior managers with iron rods and set …
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