Muslim Essays

After the monumental attacks of September 11, 2001, a decade of international upheaval followed, making a profound and lasting impact on culture in the United States. The U.S. government soon executed a “War on Terrorism” in Afghanistan aiming to take down Al-Qaeda, the Islamist organization responsible for this calamity. This …
Education is the backbone of a nation, it is the key to success and everyone should be given the opportunity to have education regardless of race, nationality, and gender, however, many students come to a foreign country to build those education levels but unfortunately faces discrimination and fewer opportunities. International …
[1]Muslim is one of the fastest growing religions in America and perhaps in the world. [2]The rate of conversion to Moslem in American is currently thought to stand at 1 million new Moslems every year. [3]However a bitter relationship between Americans and Muslim in view of the growing anti-American dissent …
Today there are many examples of McCarthyism that exist in the world around us. The fact that McCarthyism still exists is a little frightening. McCarthyism is still attacking people all over the world and it needs to stop. Here are a few things that are outrageous to think of. December …
» Introduction to Urdu alphabets. » Introduction to Urdu Numbers. » Oxford Urdu Workbook “ Huroof ki kahaniyan” » Stories and Rhymes URDU(prep) » Revision of Urdu alphabet- letters and sounds » Joining two- three letters of the alphabet to form short words » Sight Reading of The Book Group …
The Road to Mecca is the story of a man’s European discovery of Islam and his integration within the Muslim Community. Leopold Weiss was born in Austria to a Jewish family in the 1900s; in 1926 he converted to Islam and changed his name to Muhammad Asad. He converted from …
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