Light Essays

Light Effects Refraction, reflection and dispersion are all processes which happen when a ray of light is shone at either a glass block, a mirror or a prism. The ray box is the light source. Mirror When the ray box is shone at a mirror the angle of incidence is …
Car pooling You can car pool with your neighbours or friends to reduce smoke that comes out from the vehicles. Carbon monoxide that release from the vehicles can cause health problems like coughing Use public transport Taking a bus or train to work, school or any other activity has a …
Theory / Definitions 1. Optical (or transparent) medium: A medium that allows the passage of light through I, just like glass. 2. Index of refraction: The ratio of the speed of light in vacuum over the speed of light in the transparent medium. It has a density greater than 1 …
Abstract- In the flame test lab, the flame test was performed to excite the electrons in the samples and observe the color of the flame. The flame emits a color because each element has an exactly defined emission spectrum, which one can use to identify them. For example, NaCl was …
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