High School Essays

First of all, we want to apologize. We were planning to do an extraordinary speech, which was a skit depended on PowerPoint. By the way, we did not know that we could use PowerPoint until a kindhearted teacher STRONGLY recommended it, and so we did. But at the last minute, …
The success of our schools performing its primary functions of teaching, educating, and socializing the young is predicted on regular school attendance. Truancy is rated among the major problems facing schools today (Garry, 1996). Schools in some larger cities have reported absenteeism rates as high as 50 percent per day …
After school, I walk in the door, plop myself down on the leather couch, and begin to think about the western pioneer’s documentary we watched today in English class. Three distinct personality traits of these pioneers keep coming back to me as I ponder which ones to use in the …
My dream of my life ten years from now has changed many times over these past few weeks. This class has shown me new opportunities and broadened my horizon. Throughout grade and middle school, I pictured myself joining the United States Marin Corp. out of high school and being a …
In Colleen Wenke’s essay, “Too Much Pressure,” Wenke argues that cheating is a rising problem in college and especially high school that must be solved. She cites statistics indicating that the frequency of cheating has increased over the past few generations and attributes the problem to high levels of pressure …
“Oh no, my locker is jammed!” High school has its ups and downs. My goal is to help you with one of the downsides and give you an advantage over the average Joe. One of the most frequently used objects in high school is the locker. Some people are blessed …
Most every high school in America has its own set of “cliques” or social castes whose members mingle mostly within the one clique. Many schools have unique groups according to the area such as “surfers”, “snow bunnies”, and “hicks” referring to people who surf, snow ski/board, or take on more …
The way we present ourselves to society often gives them a predetermined assumption of the type of person we are. Even though it’s not always safe to assume a person’s personality based on their appearance, people seem to do it anyways. Sometimes people are mistreated due to their appearance, but …
High school has been a very interesting experience for me. It has definitely had its highs and lows and many confusing experiences in between. Overall, I feel like I have been equipped for not only college, but also life as a whole. High school has taught me many things, both …
Thurgood Marshall High School Case (Harvard Business School case) presents an interesting “house system” concept. According to the case description, the Marshall High’s organization was broken down into four “houses”, each of each contained 300 students, a faculty of 18, and a housemaster. Each house was in a separate building …
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