Graphic Essays

Although computers do not have a long history of relationship with humans, but now life without computer seems impossible. As the computer has touched almost every aspect of human life, definitely art has no exception and graphic designing has given a new shape to the field of art, in fact, …
How do story telling techniques in Japanese comic media differ to the western tradition? The differences between the Eastern, Anime and Manga and the Western, Comic and Cartoon counterparts are clear from the outset. Apart from the obvious contrast in styles, there are many more distinctions that can be made …
Every one of us uses matrices nearly everyday in our lives and probably unaware of it. Matrices are commonly used in computers for their 3D graphics. Most of the matrices that are used are either 3×3 or 4×4 matrices and are computed by either rotation matrices or translation matrices. The …
Computers in some form are in almost everything these days. From Toasters to Televisions, just about all-electronic things have some form of processor in them. This is a very large change from the way it used to be, when a computer that would take up an entire room and weighed …
If you ever wondered what is the most overlooked aspect of design craft, look no further – it’s user interfaces. Good or bad, user interfaces are everywhere: on websites, on mobile phones, televisions sets, wrist watches, airplanes and washing machines.Some user interfaces take two people to operate. Not my cup …
Towards north apart from the state of Kashmir is china. It shares 400 km long boarder with china. Towards north Tajikistan though no boarder but a narrow strip as Wahkhan strip separate the two. Towards east, Punjab-Rajasthan boarders which is 1650 km long Towards west, Afghanistan and Durand line of …
Effective communication is the starting point to any relationship, whether it is with a child, young person or adult. No relationship is possible without some form of communication. The purpose of communication is to exchange information. This can be in the form of listening, questioning, understanding and giving appropriate feedback. …
Communication is a big factor when it comes to finding out key information about the service user. Having good communication skills helps build relationships with both service user and their families. We need to have good communication amongst our work colleagues who are involved in their personal care to be …
Analyse the barriers and challenges to communication within own job role. Communication is a fundamental relationship building skill in the workplace. If people don’t communicate well they limit their ability to connect on any meaningful level. It’s important that I show respect to those I work with. Communications should be …
“Graphic Design” When I was in high school, my favorite subject was graphic design. Graphic Design is the art or skill of combining text and pictures in advertisements, magazines, or books. A graphic designer is responsible for arranging and using elements on different types of media. Your aim is to …
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