Fishing Essays

Sonar is a technique that uses sound which is normally underwater such as a submarine navigation, also it is use for communication or detecting objects under the surface of the water. The second meaning of sonar is the making of an echo and also stands for Sound, Navigation, and Ranging. …
The Vaquita, Phocoena sinus, is endemic to the Gulf of California located between the mainland of Mexico and the Baja California Peninsula. This paper explores the historic illegal fishing practices, poorly managed fisheries, wildlife management, and deficient law enforcement that have driven the Vaquita to become Critically Endangered (Rojas-Bracho and …
Wind waves, or wind-generated waves, are water surface waves that occur on the free surface of the oceans and different bodies of water (like lakes, rivers, canals, puddles or ponds). They result from the wind processing over a locality of fluid surface. Waves travel usually on terribly long distances, and …
Throughout the industrial era of the United States and the 20th Century, the Passaic River was a dumping ground for many wastes and chemicals left behind by industrial companies. Dozens of companies are held responsible for the pollution of the Passaic River. Not long ago, it was found to be …
People around the world rely on fish and seafood as a direct source of nutrition and a income in their daily lives. It is predicted that in the next fifty years, most of the fish that we eat today will no longer exist. Overfishing is one of the biggest threats …
A River Runs Through It is a story about a pair of brothers who live in Montana and love to fish. It revolves around one family, the Maclean family. It takes place in the early 1900’s. The two sons are Norman who is the narrator and author, and Paul, his …
According to National Marine Fisheries Service (2017) the landing of Louisiana commercial fishery is 1.2 billion pounds of fish and it is valued about $407.2 million, It also leads in blue crab, shrimp and oyster landings recognizing the primacy of shrimp fisheries in southeastern United States. Guillory et al. (2001) …
Have you ever wondered about Iceland . You might have thought that it’s a country or a state but it’s really a island. Iceland is like very far from where I am today. Iceland has many cool facts about the place if you have never been there then you should …
Ocean pollution has been a major concern for the past few decades. According to Melissa Denchak, an author for the National Resources Defense Council, humans are, “drowning marine ecosystems in trash, noise, oil, and carbon emissions” (2018, par. 1). Oscar Schachter, a professor of international law and diplomacy, and Daniel …
To me, a beach is a place I go for relaxation because it is almost always peaceful and quiet with a steady ocean breeze. The weather at the beach is almost always beautiful, the sun is still shining, and the waves are always crashing. It is different than any other …
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