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Communist Essays

Who is to blame for the Cold War?

The blame for the Cold War cannot be placed on one person — it developed as a series of chain reactions as a struggle for supremacy. It can be argued that the Cold War was inevitable, and therefore no one’s fault, due to the differences in the capitalist and communist …

"Animal Farm" - George Orwell - Political Regimes (Idealism)

One of the central themes in ANIMAL FARM by GEORGE ORWELL is the exploration of how a new social or political regime can fail to live up to the original idealism that inspired its introduction. In the modern world there are many examples of this occurring, such as in Iraq …

Lenin's Achievements

Source A: Lenin was a great leader yet the most humble of men. For his achievements in the October revolution, in defending the foreign invaders and destroying the whites, in bringing peace and prosperity, we are forever in his debt. (A Russian view of Lenin written at the same time …

Confucianism vs. Communism: Differences and Similarities

“By nature men are pretty much alike, it is learning and practice that set them apart.” This quote by Confucius has been entrenched in the people of China’s minds. Chinese lives revolved around Confucian teachings and beliefs. Confucian ideas and beliefs would come to shape the Chinese government. In addition, …

The Cold War (DBQ)

The Cold War was “the struggle for global power between the United States and the Soviet Union following World War II” (History book, pg. 874). The Cold War began by controversial wants and needs from two different countries and several different “weapons” were used to fight this controversial war. The …

Who is to blame for the Cold War, Soviet Union or United States?

The Cold War was the elongated tension between the Soviet Union and the United States of America. It was a clash of these supergiants in political, ideological, military, and economic values and ideas. The blame for the Cold War cannot be placed on one person — it developed as a …

Ideological differences played little part in the origin of the Cold War

There are different historical interpretations to when the Cold War actually began – was it in 1918, when the West fought against the Bolsheviks in the Russian Civil War? Was it at Potsdam in 1945, where disagreements between superpowers came about after the Second World War and no military alliance …

An Analysis of William Morris' News from Nowhere

News from Nowhere is the most famous work of one of the greatest British writers and thinkers, William Morris. It is a utopian picture of a future communist society, drawing on the work of Ruskin and Marx and written in response to what Morris saw as “soulless and mechanical visions …

The Grapes of Wrath: A Criticism of Capitalism

Prompt: Is Steinbeck advocating communism w/ “Grapes”? Thesis: John Steibeck severly criticizes capitalsim in his novel The Grapes of Wrath, but is not advocating communism. John Steinbeck took a chance when he published The Grapes of Wrath in 1939. He wrote a clear criticism of capitalism at a time when …

Churchill's "Iron Curtain" Speech

Following WWII, a rivalry between the western democracies and Communist Soviet Union escalated to which is now known as the Cold War. On March 5, 1946, Prime Minister Winston Churchill of Britain delivered a speech at Westminister College in Fulton Missouri known as the “Iron Curtain”. In his speech, he …

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