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Animals Essays

Animal-Assisted Therapy

INTRODUCTION Statement of the Problem and Purpose of the Study       By the year 2030, the nursing home population was estimated to reach 5.3 million, while the entire elderly community would probably be at 13.8 million (Cox, 1993).  The growing elderly population translated to the growing need for efficient assistance …

The Animal Within: Naturalism in a Lost Lady

History and literature have developed in a parallel manner, as organisms often co-evolve with each other. With the publication of Darwin’s groundbreaking work, the Origin of Species, a new group of people, the Social Darwinists, applied the theory of natural selection to social hierarchy. A most notable Social Darwinist, Herbert …

An Animal’s Place

Michael Pollan’s article, “An Animal’s Place,” offers an in-depth analysis of the animal rights question. The essay outlines the arguments of animal rights activists and furnishes examples of the cruelty they argue as being perpetrated upon animals. Yet this essay also views the issue from another perspective. It focuses on …

Aquatic Animal

An aquatic animal is an animal, either vertebrate or invertebrate, which lives in water for most or all of its life.[1] Some examples of invertebrates are coelenterates. This phylum consists of jellyfish, anemones, corals, and hydras. Another type of invertebrate aquatic animal is the annelids which are segmented worms. There …

The Cambrian Explosion

            The Cambrian Explosion or Cambrian radiation was seemingly the sudden disappearance of a variety of complex animals. According to Con way (2006), the explosion took place about 540 million years ago on geological times. During this period, most major animal groups appeared for the first time in fossil records. …

What Are Fossils?

Fossils are the remains or marks of plants and animals that lived a very long time ago. They are usually found in rocks and stones. Fossils are important because they tell us a story about things that lived on the earth before us. What Things Become Fossils? Animals and plants …

Analysing Squealer's Speech

Squealer’s constant use of the word ‘comrades’ is used to gain the trust of the rest of the animals and direct the attention to them, so they believe that what he is about to say is entitled to all of them. This one word convinces them that they are all …

Animal Studies: African Elephants

Physical Characteristics – African elephants are the largest of all land animals, adult males weighing between 1,800 and 6,300 kg (2 and 7 tons/ 4,000 and 14,000 lb.). Females are smaller, weighing between 2,700 and 3,600 kg (3 and 4 tons/ 6,000 and 8,000 lb.). Shoulder height ranges between three …

Animal Planet – Cats

* Cats first started living with people approximately 6,000 years ago. * They came in many shapes and sizes, but the fur coat on a cat was the best way to tell how they were classified. Ex: long-haired, short-haired, or “hairless”. * 100 different types of breed exist, but they …

Hunting for Sport

Since the dawn of mankind, hunters have been around. Evidence shows that even primitive Neanderthal, man’s ancient ancestors, would track down and kill wild prey for food, clothing, tools and much more. In American culture hunting has always been a way of life. The Indians and America’s forefathers hunted to …

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