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East meets West

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The history over traditional medicine versus modern medicine has changed overtime ever since the two types of remedies united together. Back in the old days, remedies were done by spiritual beliefs and forcing the mind to believe that one is being cured. Herbals and nature were the main source for medicine and were tested on different types of illnesses. While this was known to be somewhat helpful, it was the only remedy provided in the western region.

Eastern medicine was used by Chinese and Korea to treat any medical condition. The use of herbals found in the city were collected and gathered to make up the medicine. Nature was also gathered to provide remedies such as insects, antlers from deers, etc. These types of cures were done to help not only the pain but treat the person spiritually as well.

Western medicine was done by using scientific and chemical uses. New ingredients and different sources were added to the original medicine to improve its effectiveness. The western society experimented on different types of alternate medicine to find better solution. It is also known that they would not share any information due to its classification.

In May 5, 1998 the joining of the eastern and western medicine were known to be outstanding. The two were found to work perfectly when combining traditional remedies with modern remedies. Although the western did not believe that spiritual practice was no help for curing illnesses, both had to work together to create the best medicinal practice. Now, with the eastern and western medicine combined, cure has improved for any sickness out there, either scientifically or spiritually.


Alternative Medicine Emerging (n.d.). East Meets West / Emerging / Alternative Medicine Online. Retrieved April 28, 2013, from http://library.thinkquest.org/24206/emerging/eastmeetswest.html# Belau, B. (2012, February). East meets West – Using traditional and modern healing techniques to feel your best – Nature’s Pathways Magazine. Retrieved April 28, 2013, from http://naturespathways.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=1235:east-meets-west-using-traditional-and-modern-healing-techniques-to-feel-your-best&Itemid=156 Shetty, P. (2010, June). Integrating modern and traditional medicine: Facts and figures – SciDev.Net. Retrieved April 28, 2013, from http://www.scidev.net/en/features/integrating-modern-and-traditional-medicine-facts-and-figures.html

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