Develop Health and Safety and Risk Management Policies

- Pages: 9
- Word count: 2155
- Category: Health Management Risk Management Safety
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Order NowThe Health and Safety Act is in place to protect employees and employers. These are in place for both the employer and the employees and with this it helps to maintain a safe working environment, and there are legislative measures and health and safety in place to protect not only the employer and employees but also the wider public using the service in which we provide. Both the Health and Safety executive and CQC (Care Quality Commission) can bring prosecution against service providers who do not comply with the Health and Safety standards.
Every company that has more than five employees will have policies and procedures set out and expect their employees to follow these at all times. The Health and Safety Act 1974 umbrellas cover a wide range of areas and a number of regulations. All employers and employees want to be able to have safe working practices and with this promote the dignity of care. We have policies and procedures in place to help with support to anyone who has an issue within the workplace. These are available to all employees via our cygnet and can be access at any time.
Within our working day we have many different risks that need to be addressed and staff need to know the correct way that these risks can be eliminated in order for a safe working environment to be adhered to. When entering any clients home, we are faced with different risks and dangers. We have to deal with infection control, ensuring we are each limiting the risks of cross contamination as we all should be aware of what we are doing when it comes to health and safety. Each person has a duty to ensure their action, or failure to take action, does not harm others.
It is part of the occupational health and safety responsibilities and obligations for employers and employees. It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure that employees are safe in the workplace. Is the environment that we are working with safe to carry out the procedure that we need to? Do we have the correct equipment in place? It is not worth undertaking any type of duty within the client’s home if you are putting either yourself or the client in harm’s way. (
Is the environment that we are working with safe to carry out the procedure that we need to? Do we have the correct equipment in place? It is not worth undertaking any type of duty within the client’s home if you are putting either yourself or the client in harm’s way.
1.2 Analyse how policies, procedures and practices in own setting meet health and safety and risk management requirements.
Before our staffs are allowed to do any kind of care they need to complete the relevant training that Swan Housing set out for their staff.
All training in monitored and recorded at head office, this way the training officers know who needs what and when. There are many different types of training that is in line with the Health and Safety standards. The main training sessions that we at swan have to complete are Infection Control; manual handling 1992- moving and handling; RIDDOR 1995 ( reporting incidents disease dangerous occurrences regulation); COSHH ( Control of Substances Hazardous to Health’ and under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002); LOLER 1998 (lifting operations and lifting equipment regulations); Fire Safety regulations; First Aid; Food Hygiene; Safeguarding adults and children; Medication; Along with our online training.
If any staffs have any issues that prevent them from working within the guidelines then a separate risk assessment is drawn up. Each of these have a policy and procedure which swan staff need to follow at all times. All staff knows that all policies and procedures are kept in the office and online within swan’s intranet.
2.1 Demonstrate compliance with health, safety and risk management procedures.
As employers we have a legal duty to make sure that there are policies and procedures in place that come in line with the Health Safety at work Regulation 1999. These duties are qualified in the Act by the principle of ‘so far as is reasonably practicable’. This means the employer does not have to take measures to avoid or reduce the risk if they are impossible or if the time, trouble or cost of the measures would be grossly disproportionate to the risk.
As employers we look at what could be identified as a risk to the employees and how can that risk be either eliminated or reduced to help there be a safe working environment.
Risk Assessments play an important part of reducing any kind of hazards to with staff, clients, contractors and the public. Any company that employs five or more people need to have the relevant policies, procedure and risk assessments in place to have a safe working environment. Risk assessments do not need to be too complicated; as long as they set out the possible dangers, what procedure to follow and who to report any problems too. As part of eliminating any danger; injuries staff have adequate training on all the mandatory training and have the option to take on extra training.
2.2 Support others to comply with legislative and organisational health, safety and risk management policies, procedures and practices relevant to their work.
As a company we have a duty to ensure the health and safety of everyone who works for us, visits us and who we visit. When someone visits the site at where we are working they have a signing in/out book for fire regulations. Once they have enter the premises they have a duty themselves to follow the company’s guidelines on all health and safety matters.
As a lot of our staff work within the community, within people’s homes, they are always assessing their environment that they have walked into and if they themselves do not feel safe they contact the office for advice and guidance. If they office feel the need to go and assess the environment that has been reported then either management or senior go out and complete a risk assessment and inform every one of the risk.
With the type of industry we are in; we have staff go off ill from time to time and this could be anything from personal issues, stress, vomiting and diarrhoea or anything. As a company we need to ensure that they are fit to return to work and to make sure that if they require any extra support that this is given. This can be in the form of an informal chat with line manager, more time off, or even an appointment with occupation health.
To comply with legislation the company have in place for all staff various training some are mandatory and staff can do optional online courses as well. If at any point staff informs us that they do not feel competent on something they have had training for we will ensure that they receive further training. On starting their employment staff are provided with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
This ranges from a uniform, rubber gloves, aprons, shoe protectors, arm protectors and face masks. They are stock up frequently with these. The handymen are provided with the correct tools to carry out their necessary jobs. The office staffs have workstation assessments to ensure the chairs are the right height, back support is required, foot rests, adequate lighting and heating, and screen displays are suitable.
2.3 Explain the actions to take when health, safety and risk management, procedures and practices are not being complied with.
When staff members are not complying with health, safety and risk management, procedures and practices there are many routes that need to be taken. The staff member is asked firstly why they are not complying. Do they require further training?
If they say yes training will be sorted as soon as possible for them in order for them to comply. If however they say no and just haven’t complied with the risk assessments, policies and procedures and practise we have in place then they will receive a verbal warning from the manager. However if this practise continues the staff member will receive two written warnings and then unfortunately if there still has been no improvement that staff member will be dismissed.
2.4 Complete records and reports on health, safety and risk management issues accordingly to legislative and organisational requirements.
We keep records on clients for their protection and this ensures for the effective and efficient running of the organisation. All records should be maintained accurately and up to date. All records are kept securely on the computer which is password protected and also in hard copies in a locked cabinet.
We aim to make sure all our clients are assured that the protection of the privacy and confidentiality are given the highest consideration, and that their individual and organisational records both in their homes and in our offices are appropriate for us to meet their needs and to safeguard. This procedure is to ensure that CQC Fundamental Standards and the Data Protection laws are complied with.
All swan staff are responsible for following the legal frameworks of Health and Social Care Act 2008 (regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 (part 3), Care Quality Commission (registration) regulations 2009 (part 4) and the Data Protection Act 1998.
All employees understand the need for confidentiality of all our clients and understand what happens when they break this important part of their job roles. They are spoken to verbally about this and if it continues then further action is taken which can lead to dismissal. Even when coming into the office the carers know that they should not use the clients name or address when there are other staff members around and if they need to speak to someone regarding a client then ask to speak in private to a manager.
If there are any medication errors that occur this is highlighted by either a staff member or family member then this is looked into straight away. The staff member involved is called and asked what the problem was and this is recorded on an incident form and on a non-compliance form and then sent to head office.
If the client has received medication that they shouldn’t have been given then medical advised is sought as soon as possible. All actions taken are recorded on the clients contact sheet and on the staff member involved on their record for the next 6 months.
3.1 Contribute to development of policies, procedures and practices to identify, assess and manage risk to individuals and others
When going into a client’s house and doing assessments I am always assessing what needs to be done with regard to following policies and procedures. I ensure that I assess any risks that are likely to occur and ensure that this information is fed back to the office where if necessary the senior will go and complete a further risk assessment with the client. This is for the protection of the client and our staff.
The results of the risk assessment are then sent to all the carers. If it is found that the carers are not following the correct procedure at any time they are questioned by the senior or manager and if they continue they are given a non-compliance meeting and put on their record. If there are any areas of any policies that any staff member thinks needs up-dating at all then the carers can speak to the manager who can pass the relevant information onto the author of the policy and then they can decide if the changes are needed to be implented or not.
3.2 Work with individuals and others to assess potential risks and hazards.
When we take referrals for clients, we always ask if there are any risks to either clients or staff. This can be as small as having a pet or to having some kind of infection. If we are told that a client has an infection such as MRSA, HIV, or something as small as sickness and diarrhoea, we inform the carers that they should wear their PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) at all times. We do not give the carers what infection the client has however if the client informs them, that is the clients purgative. Each case is assessed on a case by case basis and as a company we have duty of care to protect both clients and our staff.
3.3 work with individuals and others to manage potential risks and hazards.
When we have a duty of care to protect both clients and staff from any potential risks and hazards that they may come across whilst within our care and employment. We manage each case on a case by case basis. At all times we follow the policies and procedures that have been set out within the company. With following the procedure we are able to manage and prevent and risks or hazards occurring thus giving a safe delivery of care to the client and ensuring the carer has a safe working environment.