Bulling Is a Problem That Does Not Need to Be Ignored

- Pages: 6
- Word count: 1340
- Category: Parenting Styles
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Order NowI opted to write about Bullying because it is a serious matter that we as a community must address. What is Bullying after all, superior strength or influence to intimidate someone and as we know Bullying is a threat or abuse, aggressively towards others. Bullying is behavior by a person, repeated with the intension to hurt other weather physically or emotionally. Bullying has different forms such as in person bullying and cyber bullying, which is via internet. If any student experiences, a threat, either verbal or physical abuse, they are now a subject of a bully. Bullying majority of the time takes place at school where a student becomes vulnerable outside of their home, off course out of parent gradience. Bullying is a major cause of extreme harm against the affected population.
Bullying can be promoted by prejudice against a specific person of race or religion. Being a victim of bullying can have a great negative affect on an individual both emotionally and physically, especially during adolescences when a child is most vulnerable. Some of the Bullying effects are lack of academic performance, depression and lower self-esteem, which can lead to suicidal thoughts. Bullying usually in include a victim that will be affected either by mentally or physically. A lot of these victim weather boys or girls will feel humiliated or disgusted and will be internally unhappy weather alone or around people and friends. Eventually, they start to think that they are a failure, and this is bad because they don’t even think of finding help or discuss it with someone.
As we all know Bullies come in all kind of shapes and size, from any race or religion. My understanding is that there is no single cause of bullying, but there is numerous factor that contribute it.
I believe that if a child has a bad habit of bullying, bad parenting is one major factor. When parents do not set a boundary or a rule for their children or provide a mandatory supervision, their children practices bullying. When there is a lack of relationship between the parent and their child, this can create a major problem and is one of the factors of bullying. Bullying can also occur between family members in these case siblings. When older brother or sister put their younger siblings, for example in a head lock and hit them, this can create a sense of powerlessness. Also, we know that kids who are insecure are more likely prone to bullying because their inability of control over themselves. A child can have some consequences of bullying for instance physical injuries or mental effect. Now that I have mention about bullying and their cause and effect its time to talk about where most of the time Bullying takes place.
According to my understanding and experiences bullying occurs on a regular basis in many schools throughout the world. Usually, it is stared with the naughtiest person in a, let’s say class room which will happen to be also their leader. As time passes by more and more students join in and they start on bullying, usually the innocent or weak student. The wired and unfortunate time is that most of the student in the school who I would say are the audience, would laugh out and make fun make of the victim/student instead of helping them. I remember very well when I was in middle school. I was always a subject of bullying, they would hit me throw stuff at me. They even go as far as saying to me that Filipino people smell very bad, mocking me for no reason.
As a student we all can take serious movement to stop and abolish Bullying in our school and our society and there are some ways to prevent them and I believe in it. I and other student should have a short meeting very beginning of the school week and see or discuss that who in school is bullying another innocent student. After knowing the bully person, I would go in contact with this person and give them lecture and even present them to the principal’s office. During few weeks I believe that the student will have some sort of fear in them and wouldn’t want to engage in a bullying scenario. Remember this is also a psychological effect that’s going to take place on the subject’s mind. As time goes by student who used to bully will know is the do try to bully someone there will be some severe consequences. School bullying is one of the major problems in many institutions. It could get worst as far as suicide or murder can occur. It often happens in a lot of country around the globe, but I believe that America suffer from this issue more than any other countries.
Throughout my schooling life I have experiences/seen a lot of school bullying in my hometown Houston. Till to this day I don’t understand at all why don’t teachers and the law/government try to put an end to bullying or figure something out. As far as I know a lot of them talk stuff and have ideas about it but non-act, which is sad for me especially as I was once a victim of a bully. A common thing is the strongest individual show their significance via humiliating the weak.
A major issue that we know leads to bullying is the inability of parents to control their kids. The feeling of permissiveness leads to bullying. After a student experience bullying, he or she might go through a change in personality, in a negative way. The most common result of bullying is that a person become aggressive and anti-social they stay away from new things in life and this is how they become isolated. Therefore, they don’t talk much in public and are shy, in addition they get anxious.
Bullying is a serious problem in our country, parents and government must set up their work in order to prevent Bullying from happening. Otherwise as time flies’ things will get worst and the number of suicidal numbers will raise. Just days ago, a 9-year-old girl killed herself in the state of Alabama because she was a victim of bullying, that took place in her school. This was sad and horrifying for the parent and the fellow classmates. Hopefully this is a wake-up call for the nation to step it up and do something specific about bullies and to create a program to eliminate bullying. Until I live, I would never ever forget what happened to me between the age of 5 to 9. During these 4 years of my life was extremely difficult and horrible, one that is hard to forget and let go. When my mother used to work at hospital as nurse and my father as a cab driver her in Houston. I had to go to a babysit, which a female looked after me and took care. But unfortunately, her son and husband were a bad person they used to sit me and yell at me. They even abused me verbally saying inappropriate stuff that a child should never come to know of. Till now at age 25 I have always kept this secret among me a few people. What I have been through Bullying, I hope a pray that no child in the future or present experience. This is also the reason I elected this topic, because it had something to do in my life.
In Conclusion, I would want to say that bullying is a serious threat and hazard the effect the safe being of our community. The problem is that government organization are not able to stop this terrible situation due to lack of evidence or clue given by the victim, because they are afraid of what happened. Bullying can cause injuries and mental shame due to the harm that happened to the victim. My great fear is that if bullying practice are being ignored over the years, there will be a lot more people affected by it and coming generation will be worst.