DBQ: Causes of WWII

- Pages: 7
- Word count: 1568
- Category: Hitler
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Order NowDuring the period previous to World War II causes that led to World War II included German attempt of imperialism in Europe, pro-appeasement ideologies towards German military expansion, and ignoring con-appeasement ideologies towards German military expansion.
Documents1, 3, and 4 support the idea that one of the causes that led to World War II included Germany’s attempt of imperialism. Document 1, an excerpt from Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler, explains some of Hitler’s ideas of forming a regime first in order to gain lands that had been taken away after German defeat in World War I. Document 1 is biased since it has been written by Hitler’s point of view who only wants to brainwash the German masses into supporting his ideas of “enhancing” Germany’s position as a global power by reconquering lost lands. Document 1 supports the idea that German imperialism encouraged the arousal of World War II since Germany began to conquer lands all the way to Poland therefore increasing its wealth other imperialistic nations such as Great Britain and France began to fear German further expansion to the whole European continent which would leave them as just another subordinate power rather than a global imperialist economy and caused them to act against the threatening Nazi regime. Document 3, is a newspaper article in which Hitler is presumed guilty of violating the Treaty of Versailles by creating an army, invading Rhineland, and promising to bring Germany to an equal level to that of great powers.
Also, it explains how France told on Germany with the League of Nations for breaking the Treaty of Versailles yet there was no action against such. Document 3 supports this position by giving evidence of German imperialism through the conquering of states like Rhineland and foreign disagreement to such, in this case France who pressured the League of Nations to take actions since other imperial societies themselves were in danger of falling into German control therefore causing future war as other imperialistic nations began to realize Hitler’s intentions. Document 4, a radio Broadcast by William Shirer, describes how German aggression prevailed even in the conference at Munich in which the League of Nations seceded Czechoslovakia to Germany to satisfy Hitler’s greed. Document 4 supports the idea that one of the causes that led to World War II included Germany’s attempt of imperialism by demonstrating how the League of Nations attempted to stop German further expansion by granting her Czechoslovakia yet Germany kept expanding through the use of military strategies such as blitzkrieg which caused opposing global powers to take action and declare war on Germany.
An outside document could include an article on Mongol expansion throughout Eurasia and how their military superiority and determination allowed their empire to become the largest in history. This document is not biased since it is speaking about facts on Mongol imperialism through the use of their specialized military power. This outside document supports the idea that one of the causes that led to World War II included Germany’s attempt of imperialism by showing a similar event which is that of Mongol expansion. However, instead of blitzkrieg Mongols used their horse riding and archery skills to take over powerful societies which they could later exploit since their nomadic life did not allow them to produce surplus themselves therefore Germans endeavored to do what the Mongolian empire achieved yet failed as their counterparts united forces and defeated them in World War II.
Documents 2, 5, 8, and 9 support the idea that pro-appeasement ideologies towards German military expansion were also causes that led to World War II. Document 2 explains how the emperor of Ethiopia criticizes the lack of authority the League of Nations had since they were not effective enough as to provide Ethiopia with military support after being attacked by Germany and how he predicts the League of Nations will regret not taking action. Document 2 is biased since it is told by Ethiopia’s emperor’s point of view that shows his desperation to save his empire from becoming conquered from foreign developing powers. Document 2 indirectly supports the idea that pro-appeasement ideologies towards German military expansion were also causes that led to World War II by explaining how the League of Nations believed that through appeasement treatment Germany will eventually be satisfied and seize to conquer other lands yet they were wrong therefore once Adolf Hitler and his Nazi party had conquered lands all the way to Poland the allied powers, Great Britain, France, United States, and Russia, declare war on Germany with the hope of stalling Nazi expansion and eluding the possibility to falling into his power.
Document 5 is a speech by British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain which explains how appeasement was the only way to maintain peace in Europe after World War I and how Britain would only become involved in major conflicts not an invasion of a state. Document 5 is biased since it was written by a prime minister’s point of view that is pro-appeasement and supports the idea that such is the only way that Germany can be stopped without the need of war. Document 5 supports the idea that pro-appeasement ideologies towards German military expansion were also causes that led to World War II by listing textual evidence on how leaders such as Neville Chamberlain allowed Adolf Hitler to spread his Nazi regime through the use pro-appeasement ideals however such pro-appeasement ideals backfired on the British government as Hitler was closer to expand his imperialistic greed towards British colonies. As a result the allied powers declared war on Germany to halt its journey to becoming the universal ruler of Eurasia and maintain economic balance. Document 8, an excerpt from The Origins of the Second World War, explains how Hitler’s power derived from the German people and there was no way to oppose him and how global powers feared that German defeat could result in Russian global expansion.
Document 8 is biased since it is told from a pro-appeasement point of view. Document 8 supports the idea that pro-appeasement ideologies towards German military expansion were also causes that led to World War II by explaining how the League of Nations claimed that they could not interfere with Hitler’s position as leader of Germany since he had been elected by the people causing German influence to swell even more than at the beginning of Nazi imperialistic voyage towards the universal control of Eurasia. However, the allied powers later realized their mistake and interfered with Hitler’s actions despite their previous excuse for appeasement. Document 9, an excerpt from Origins of World War II by Keith Eubank, explains how appeasement was logical since prior to 1939 Nazi Germany was not a threat to the integrity of the League of Nations or peace and sovereignty of the European continent because of their lack of any major power; also, how appeasement was stimulated by the lack of alliance that could halt Hitler’s forces.
Document 9 supports the idea that appeasement ideals helped the awakening of World War II since Germany could not have been attacked before its attempt of imperialism because German power did not seem to be a threat for the Eurasian stability therefore it was accidently given time to form a massive military force that would later conquer numerous states resulting in World War II as other imperialistic nations felt aggravated by German expansion.
Documents 6 and 7support the idea that ignoring con-appeasement ideologies towards German military expansion also led to World War II. Document 6 is a speech by Winston Churchill in which he disagrees to Chamberlain’s appeasement ideology since he claims that allowing Germany to do as it pleased led to the weakening of the League of Nations, it narrowed down the possibilities of stopping German expansion, and diminished the national defense system. Document 6 is biased since it is told from a Liberal Party member’s point of view that characterizes appeasement as a choice of dishonor to an imperialistic nation. Document 6 supports the idea that con-appeasement ideologies towards German military expansion also led to World War II since Churchill’s idea of giving Czechoslovakia support to fight off the Nazi regime could have prevented the war from occurring since Hitler’s military force was not as large as when the war began it could have been stopped from the beginning of its attempt to conquer the Eurasian landmass instead Hitler’s military became stronger due to the lack of opposition from the League of nations therefore causing World War II.
Document 7, an excerpt from Russian criticism to Munich Agreement, explains how the Munich Agreement was a desperate act of appeasement since Czechoslovakia had enough military power as to fight off German militia at the time and this was only an attempt to maintain peace in Europe by giving Hitler what he wanted even when Czechoslovakia could have fight off Germany forces and German generals were willing to exclude Hitler from the German powerhouse. Document 7 indirectly supports the idea that ignoring con-appeasement ideologies towards German military expansion also led to World War II by showing through the improvisation of seceding Czechoslovakia to Germany weakened the League of Nations’ power and increased Hitler’s greed because now he knew he was feared by the rest of the global powers which resulted in World War II after the allied powers declared war.