Questionnaire for Brand Equity
- Pages: 2
- Word count: 341
- Category: Brand
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Order NowDear Respondent, we student of Tolani institute of Management Studies, Adipur request your valuable response to this questionnaire. This response will provide the basis for us to evaluate Brand Equity of mobile handset companies. Please note that the information provided by you will not be disclosed to anybody and is only meant for study purpose as a part of Marketing Research Project.
1. Which mobile phone brand are you using right now? (Select Only One)
a. Apple b. Blackberry
c. Sony d. Samsung
e. Spice f. Nokia
g. Karbonn h. L.G
i. Motorola j. Micromax
k. Other Indian brands:
2. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements (where X = Above selected brand).
Sr.No. Particulars Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 1. In mobile handset, Product X comes to my mind quickly 2. I am familiar with X brand
3. I can recognize X among other competing brands easily
4. Some characteristics of X come to my mind quickly
5. I consider myself loyal to X
6. When buying mobile handset, X would be my first choice 7. I would love to recommend X to my friends
Sr.No. Particulars Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree 8. I am still willing to buy X even if its price is a little higher than that of its competitors 9. Product from X would be of very good quality 10. Product from brand X are highly popular 11. Product from X are innovative products 12. Product X offer excellent features
13. Product from X is a brand leader in mobile handset market 14. Product from X fully satisfy my product needs 15. Products from X is a good value for money product 16. Even if another brand has the same features as X, I would prefer to buy X 17. X has very unique brand image, compared to the competing brands 18. X is a brand involve more celebrity or cartoon character for recognition & recall