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The Trailblazer

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  • Pages: 1
  • Word count: 200
  • Category: Slavery

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This is a time when slavery was reborn and for any colored person were to be treated ugly and to be separated from the others.

M​ay 19th, 2112… “Today is good day” said Dallas. “I know huh, but only if we had more people to celebrate my birthday party” replied Jermaine. As Jermaine is cutting the cake and getting the ice cream, there is a huge disruption outside of Jermaine’s house. Jermaine thought that it was the end of the world but it was white officers who demanded Jermaine and Dallas to come outside. Jermaine wasn’t going to leave his home so he completely ignored what the officer said and was arrested. The officer then started to get aggressive with Jermaine. Jermaine was restrained by the officer but then gave up and was put in the officers vehicle.

But later as Jermaine and Dallas were being driven to some place, the officer then explained why they were being held captive. “The reason why you two are being taken in is because there is a war between species meaning extraterrestrial beings are going to try and take over the planet and humans cannot allow this to happen”.

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