Abrahamic Covenant Chart

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Order NowThis is a chart that is a basic overview of Genesis 12-50. On this chart there are six columns that describe what this chart is depicting. The first column starting on the left is the Covenant’s biblical references, or in more simple terms, what Scripture in Genesis this is occurring in. The second column is to whom it is addressed to, with the third column being the circumstance under which it was reiterated. The fourth column is the “Ingredients” column, or what the Covenant is made up of. The fifth column is the development is in the Book of Genesis, and the sixth and final column is any change in content or emphasis. All of the Columns are color coordinated so when you get to the later pages, you will know what red is the reference, blue is to whom, green is circumstances, orange is “ingredients”, burgundy is developments, and black is any change occurring.
To Whom
Circumstance Under Which it was Reiterated:
Which compose the Covenant:
Development in the Book of Genesis:
Any Change in Content or Emphasis:
God’s call for Abram to move from Haran to Canaan.
Abram moved from Haran to Canaan.
Started with a call from God to Abraham.
There is emphasis put on faith as God’s call to Abram required faith. 12.2
God’s call for Abram to move. Took a lot of faith.
God’s promise of blessing.
Abram’s call
God blesses Abram
The Canaanites were in the land
God’s promise this land.
Abram had just left his home and arrived in Canaan.
Abram is settled in the land of Ur
-The Lord’s call for Abram to go to the Land
-Abram will be blessed with a great nation and name
Abram was shown promise land.
Lot had just left Abram in their travels
-The Lord blesses Abram
-The Lord promises to make Abram’s descendants as numerous as numerous as the dust of the earth Abram travels from Ur
There is an addition to the number of descendants
Abram and Sarai are too old to bear children
-Abram’s descendants will be as numerous as the stars
-Abram was counted as righteous
-Promises to give the Land
-Abram will die at a good old age
God initiates a ritual by the splitting of animals as a flaming torch passes through the pieces. -The number of descendants is compared to stars
-Abram’s death
Sarai is too old for children
Conceiving a child with Hagar
Hagar and Abram conceive a child
Conception of a child
Abram was 91 years old
-God wants to establish His covenant and multiply Abram exceedingly
-Reaffirms Abram as being the father of many nations
-Abram’s name changed to Abraham
-The covenant shall be unto Abraham’s descendants
-Abraham and his descendants shall be circumcised as a sign of the covenant -Anyone not circumcised may not be part of the people
-Sarai’s name is changed to Sarah
-Abram’s and Sarai’s names are changed
-A sign of the covenant is given
Names are changed and a sign of the covenant is added
Thirteen years after Ishmael’s birth
-God will establish His covenant with Abraham’s descendants from Sarah
-Ishmael will make himself a great nation and multiply
The promised son is to be Isaac
Hagar is not to bear the promised son
17.24, 27
God just gave Abraham the sign of the covenant
Abraham and all the men of his household were circumcised
Abraham fulfills a requirement for the covenant
Abraham is by the oaks of Mamre
Sarah is told she will bear children
Progression towards the promised son
Sarah had just been told she will bear a child
God makes known His plans for Abraham
Revelations for Abraham
Abraham had just finished his dealings with Abimelech
-Isaac is born
-Isaac is circumcised
God’s promise to Sarah and Abraham about a promised son fulfilled None
22.2, 7-18
Abraham had just made a covenant at Beersheba with Abimelech -Abraham must sacrifice Isaac to God
-God will multiply the seed of Abraham as many as the stars
-God will multiply the seed of Abraham as many as the sand of the seashore -Abraham’s seed will possess the gate of their enemies
-Abraham’s seed will possess all the nations of the earth and be blessed -Isaac is not sacrificed
-A ram is offered instead
-Abraham passed the test because he had obeyed God’s commandment Abraham’s first test by God. Shows Abrahams faith.
Sarah had just died and been buried
-The servant was to place his hand under Abraham’s thigh, a sign of
commitment to their agreement
-The servant shall not take a wife for Isaac from the Canaanites -Bring back a wife from Haran for Isaac
The Lord had blessed Abraham in many ways
Isaac is to have a bride
Abraham had died
God blessed Isaac
Transition from Abraham to Isaac
Abraham is no longer the main patriarch in God’s dealings
Rebekah is pregnant
-Two nations are in her womb
-Two people are in her womb
-One shall be stronger than the other
-The older shall serve the younger
More revelations
There will be a division in nations and one shall me an enemy to the other 26.1-5
There was a famine in the land
-Isaac is to stay in the land and not go into Egypt like Abraham
-God will give Isaac’s descendants this land
-God will establish the same oath with Isaac as He did with Abraham -By Isaac’s descendants, all the nations of the earth shall be blessed Isaac has been revealed the same oath and promises that God made with Abraham God has made an oath with Isaac
Isaac is in Gerar and the local herdsmen are quarreling with Isaac over wells -Isaac is not to fear
-God will bless Isaac and multiply his descendants
Abimelech, with his advisor and army commander, notice a difference in Isaac and acknowledge God and makes a covenant with Isaac
Jacob’s deception to Isaac
-God will give Jacob the dew of the heaven, fatness of the earth, and an abundance of grain and new wine
-People will serve Jacob will be a master to his brothers
Jacob receives a blessing
Service of brothers to Jacob
Jacob is sent away to Paddan-aram
-May God bless Jacob and make him fruitful
-Jacob is to take a daughter of Laban
-May Jacob possess the land of his sojourning
Jacob is to find a wife
Jacob has a dream in the midst of his travel
-The land in which Jacob lies, will be given to him
-Jacob’s descendants will be like the dust of the earth and spread west, east, north, and south -Descending families will be blessed
The promises of Abraham and Isaac are given to Jacob
The spreading of descendants
Jacob is wrestling a man all night until daybreak because Jacob wants to be blessed
-The man blessed Jacob
Jacob’s name is changed to Israel
Jacob moves to Bethel
-God tells Jacob to move to Bethel
-Put away the foreign gods among you
-Jacob shall be named Israel
-Israel will be fruitful and multiplied
-Kings shall come forth from Israel
-Israel will be given the land
More promises emphasized on Israel
Kings shall come forth from Israel
-Joseph is an official in Egypt
-Joseph’s brothers come to Egypt in a famine
-God had made Joseph a ruler in Egypt
-The brothers are to go tell Jacob
-The house of Israel is to live in the land of Goshen
The house of Israel is to come and live in Egypt
The promised land must be purified before the house of Israel can make claim to it 46.1-4
Israel is about to move into Egypt
-God instructs Israel to not be afraid of moving to Egypt
-God will make a great nation down in Egypt
-God will be with them
Israel moves to Egypt
Israel is about to die
Joseph is to place his hand under Israel’s thigh to promise to bury Israel in the promised land Israel requests where he is to be buried
Israel’s last words
May the names of Abraham and Isaac live on and grow into a multitude Israel passes on a blessing
Israel’s prophecy to his sons
Israel prophesies each of his twelve sons
The twelve sons are described in prophecy
The death of Israel
Israel is buried in Canaan at Machpelah before Mamre
Joseph returned to Egypt