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Directional Terms Assignment

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1. Write two sentences demonstrating your knowledge of the terms superior and inferior utilizing the terms found in your book on specific body regions and body cavities. Make sure you utilize different body regions and cavities for each sentence. (2 points)

My knowledge of the terms superior and inferior is the two are separated by the transverse plane. Superior being the upper portion and inferior being the lower portion of the body.

2. Write two sentences demonstrating your knowledge of the terms lateral and medial utilizing the terms found in your book on specific body regions and body cavities. Make sure you utilize different body regions and cavities for each sentence. (2 points)

The terms lateral and medial are opposites of each other. The term medial refers to parts of the body that are toward the midline and the term lateral refers to parts of the body away from the midline.

3. Write two sentences demonstrating your knowledge of the terms proximal and distal utilizing the terms found in your book on specific body regions and body cavities. Make sure you utilize different body regions and cavities for each sentence. (2 points)

The term proximal refers to parts of the body closer to the point of origin. The term distal refers to parts of the body that are farther away from the point of origin.

4. Write two sentences demonstrating your knowledge of the terms anterior and posterior utilizing the terms found in your book on specific body regions and body cavities. Make sure you utilize different body regions and cavities for each sentence. (2 points)

The term anterior is referring to the parts of the body within the ventral cavity which is the front of the body. The term posterior is referring to the parts of the body within the dorsal cavity which is the back of the body.

5. Compare and contrast the three body planes. Utilize appropriate terminology when applicable, for example: anterior and posterior. (2 points) The three body planes are Sagittal plane, Transverse plane, and Frontal plane. The Sagittal plane divides the body down the midline which is used to examine the organs in the abdominopelvic cavity and also the cranial cavity. The Transverse plane divides the body horizontally between the superior and inferior portions. This plane reveals the internal organs. The third body plane is the Frontal plane which divides the body into anterior and posterior portions. This plane reveals the abdominal and thoracic cavities.

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