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Billing System

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Billing System is a combination of a software application and a database designed to take customer information regarding charges made to that customer. Billing system will process and calculate into the invoice which one can receive either by post. The proposed system was created to perform such functions. The system will provide a well-organized patient billing system that will greatly affect the hospital such as billing policies and price rates. Computerization is a major advancement in technology that helps in many ways: it makes billing easier and faster, thus; it can save a lot of time and manpower, and many tasks are done in a certain amount of time. The hospital must be versatile to the current trends and innovation in today’s changes in technology. This chapter contains the background of the study, I.T. Innovation, and Rationale, Objectives of the study, assumption, scope and limitation and significance of the study. Background of the Study

The Objectives of the Study
The following are the general and specific objective that this proposed study seeks to achieve. General Objective – to develop a billing system, for the “name of hospital” Specific Objective – This part deals with the particular desired or needed to be achieved that is being conducted by doing this research: To analyze and describe how the existing hospital billing system works; To study the problems encountered in the use of the existing hospital billing system; To develop a system that will improve the following;

Out patient
Assumptions of the Study
The following assumptions were formulated since the aim of this study was to developed a system that would not be compared to the existing system.

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