Space Exploration, Scientific Discovery and Aeronautics Research

- Pages: 6
- Word count: 1340
- Category: Space Exploration
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Order NowNasa is very big and they have a lot of missions throughout the decades it has survived. Nasa has over hundreds of missions. Part of their mission statement is: to pioneer the future in space exploration, scientific discovery and aeronautics research. That tells how dedicated they are to serve and they do that through space explorations. The purpose of my outline is to inform the reader on nasa’s missions and their endeavors into space.Mars pathfinder mission is next. It was launched dec. 4, 1996. The vehicle was called Delta ll and it launched from Cape Canaveral. It weighs 23 pounds and was equipped with camera, gps, and navigation. It collected rock samples and other things to help nasa get farther into their investigation.Mars curiosity rover. It was launched nov. 26 2011. Its max speed was .8 mph and it landed aug. 6, 2012. It covered 11.27 miles and it cost 25 billion U.S. dollars.
It wasn’t until later till Nasa figured out what the rover was actually capable of and what it could do.Mars odyssey. Mars odyssey wasn’t always called mars odyssey, it used to be called mars exploration, they changed it because they were going to make a new project called mars exploration. It found 20 different chemical properties alone on one planet, which is Mars. Its goal was to be a long term robotics exploration on the red planet. It didn’t really work at first until it found the crater in the middle of Mars. That crater is called Gale. Hitomi project. It was launched dec.17, 2016. Its purpose was to make x-ray pictures and videos of satellites and other things in space. It also studied various black holes and all types of things in space and on close planets. Nasa expected the Hitomi project to provide insights on evolution, it didn’t really do tata it focused on just taking pictures of things in space and making them look interesting and cool for Nasa to post them online or on the internet.The international Space Station. This space station is very cool becaus any astronaut in the world can apply to be on the international space station. It is especially cool because it is an independent station, that was owned by a small company somewhere in Asia, Nasa has taken it over and made it into a very cool experiment and evolution idea. 4 new pilots and other crew members are supposed to take over the station in four years. The ones up there right now will dock on March.23, 2022.
The last crew took off from Kazakhstan, and it took them about 3 weeks before they even got to look at the International Space Station. The current flight engineer is Scott TingleThe Hubble space telescope. The Hubble space telescope alone has found seven new planets that telescopes from earth couldn’t even see. All of the seven planets that the Hubble found are at least 40 years away, so in other words the Hubble Space Telescope can see at least 40 years into the future. The Hubble started its journey to those planets 18 years ago and it is about halfway there. Once the Hubble reaches there it will study and take live pictures and videos of those planets that we can transmite to here on earth. The Apollo missions. Apollo 1-10 were all basically failures. Apollo 11 was the first Apollo missions to at least partly work. Apollo 11 landed on July 4,1969. The other lockup landed on a recovery ship on the USS Hornet. At exactly 109 hours and 42 minutes after launch Neil Armstrong stepped onto the moon and was the first person to walk on the moon. The hd hooked up the the lm lockup. 143 million people watched from the U.S. 654 million people from everywhere else was watching.
The XMM newton. XMM-Newton carries three very advanced X-ray telescopes. They each contain a mirror module with 58 high-precision concentric mirrors, delicately nested to offer the largest collecting area possible to catch the elusive X-rays. These mirror modules allow XMM-Newton to detect millions of sources, far more than any previous X-ray mission. Overall the XMM X-ray is a lot more helpful than what we had in the past. The mini RF. The Mini-RF project launched two radar instruments to the moon to map the lunar poles, search for water ice, and to demonstrate future NASA communication technologies. The first instrument, launched on the Indian Space Research Organisation’s, Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft, mapped both polar regions. The second instrument, currently flying on NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance drone, has been mapping the different geologic units of the lunar surface. Overall the Mini RF was a very technological step for NASA. The Phoenix mars mission. The goals of the mission were to Study the history of water in the Martian arctic; search for evidence of a habitable zone and assess the biological potential of the ice-soil boundary. The Space Technology or st-5 missions.
The ST5 Project is a part of NASA’s New Millennium Program, which was created to identify, develop, build, and test innovative technologies and concepts for use in future missions. Its missions are guided by future needs of NASA’s Earth and Space Science program. The GEOTAIL mission is a project undertaken by the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The Geotail spacecraft was designed and built by ISAS and was launched on July 24, 1992. After fulfilling Its original objective of studying the dynamics of the Earth’s magnetotail over a wide range of distance, extending from the near-Earth region to the distant tail, its orbit was changed. Since February 1995 Geotail has been in an elliptical 9 year by 30 year orbit where it has provided data on most aspects of the solar wind interaction with the magnetosphere. The next is ozone. 3% of our ozone has decreased since 1999, which if that keeps happening at that rate our air will be fully polluted in 400 years, which in the grand scheme of things is not that long.ARCTAS. Arctas can tell if and when a fire will happen.
Arctas is in a restricted Canadian Air Force Base but is controlled but the U.S. It is also filled with various weather trackers and fire predictors. It is an offsite nasa facility for summer arctic research composition of the troposcope from aircraft and satellites. The mission is just five days into its summer study of the smoke plumes from northern latitude forest fires, and already the choreographed effort between modelers and experimenters is producing a wealth of new data.Attrex. Attrex a drone that nasa has created to study wildlife and weather where manned missions can’t get to. Studies suggest that even small changes in stratospheric humidity may have climate impacts that are significant compared to those of decadal increases in greenhouse gases. Future changes in humidity and ozone concentration in response to changing climate are significant climate feedbacks. Attrex stands for Airborne Tropical TRopopause EXperiment. Analog missions. The Analog missions were where a situation on earth that produces effects on the body similar to those experienced in space. They experience both mental and physical changes and appearances that would happen if you were in space for a certain period of time. Nasa is associated with at least 15 analog missions. The CALIPSO satellite.
CALIPSO stands for Cloud Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observation. Â The CALIPSO satellite has new insight into the role that clouds and winds play in Earth’s weather, climate, and air quality. It combines an active lidar tool with the passive infrared and visible images to probe the vertical structure and properties of thin clouds and winds over the earth. It was launched April 28, 2006. With CALIPSO we can now see 3d images of clouds from space, we use to not be able to do that. It also can show us where there is rain and thunder. Those pictures on weather stations that have the forecast and that show 3D images, before this we use to not be able to do that.