Losing Weight and Increasing Metabolism

- Pages: 4
- Word count: 936
- Category: Metabolism
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The Principles of the Article
The article, “Weight Loss is something that many Americans struggle with” by Clifford Khun, M.D. (2006) presents several ways of doing fat burning and weight reducing exercises while having fun. The article explains why doing something like exercising should be accompanied by enjoyment of the person doing it. Examples of these fun filled fat burning exercises are doing yoga while listening to your favorite tunes using your music player, enrolling in a fitness class which offers full water aerobics program or a dance workout program, buying weight reduction instructional videos to enjoy fitness workouts even at home and as well as creating a chart where you will paste goals to help you motivate and remind yourself to sustain the fitness exercises. And the articles most important objective is to teach people how to associate humor with losing weight. Khun teaches his self discovered weight losing method which he calls the Fun Factor Diet. This dieting method is guaranteed by Khun to be effective because laughter is the main ingredient of the process (Khun, 2006).
The strong and weak point of the article
The article has shown an effective way to encourage people to indulge into fitness activities because it exhibits a human interest factor which can greatly contribute for it to be considered as an effective article, the approach is also very personal and it is another factor why its message can be clearly understood. On the other hand, if it will be thoroughly it can be noticed that the article did not give back up clarifications why the information they have provided can be proven to be factual and effective. The article lacks data about how they came up with those ideas. It did not present enough data that are proven scientifically.
The underlying health promotion concepts and models of the article
The concept of the article is to motivate people who want to lose weight or stay fit without worrying about the hassles of the usual fitness training programs. This concept somehow utilized some theories and concepts used in the study of learning used by some famous psychologists like Carl Rogers. Their concepts reflect the importance of learning and understanding things while having fun. These concepts explain that a learner will probably be more productive if he/she is enjoying what he/she is doing (Smith, 1999). The article also goes along with the health care concept which is commitment to the plan of action. This model or concept is similar to the concept already mentioned, because it suggests that anyone planning to indulge in health improvement activities or fitness training programs should take seriously what he/she is going to do because without this it is highly possible that a person’s drive to continue doing the activities will decline. For example, if you are a person targeting to lose 20-30lbs in ten weeks, you should commit in doing the required daily activities to achieve the best possible result (Smith, 1999).
The “Weight Loss is something that many Americans struggle with” article emphasizes and explains that activities like workout programs or other activities should be done with enthusiasm, doing these activities without the enjoyable part will more likely end up to boredom and getting jaded easily.
And to prevent these things to happen and to give working out a twist, the article suggests that one way to enjoy fitness activities is to listen to any type of music while working out, whatever type of music as long as one enjoys hearing it, can help him/her to increase the motivation to continue these fitness programs. Another way mentioned in the article is to drop the old type of workouts and indulge into fitness activities that are more enjoyable and comfortable like dancing and working out at home with instructional videos. The article also suggested that working out can also be sustained by creating one’s personal goals that will serve as motivations (Khun, 2006).
The article promotes workout activities by presenting how exercising for fitness and weight loss can be done without getting bored. The concept that the article has presented would probably cater those people who feel the need to do workout activities but easily gets uninterested for the reason that conventional workout programs tedious and needs great physical exertion for the desired outcome to be attained. The usual programs for fitness and weight reduction lack what people need to motivate them to do something which is the aspect of enjoying an activity.
The relation of the concepts and models used to nursing practice
The findings in the article can also be applied to nursing practice, because the concept that in any activity one should be having fun while doing it, to attain the desired outcomes. For an instance, when nurses are giving service to their patients, they should commit themselves to their work and ensure themselves that they like and enjoy what they do, for them to be able to give their best in serving their patients. And one of the most important things that can be derived from the article is the association of laughter with anything we do.
Clifford Kuhn, M. D. (2006). Weight Loss is something that many Americans struggle with [Electronic Version]. Retrieved April 28, 2007 from http://www.lifedynamix.com/articles/Weight-Loss/Weight_Loss_Fun.html.
Hallahan, K. (1996). Writing Effective Print Ads. Retrieved April 19, 2007, from http://lamar.colostate.edu/~hallahan/hprintad.htm
Smith, M. K. (1999, January 30, 2005). Learning theory’, the encyclopedia of informal education. Retrieved April 19, 2007, from www.infed.org/biblio/b-learn.htm