Risk assessment in 3 settings

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- Word count: 986
- Category: Risk
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Order NowThe aim of the risk assessment is to prevent accidents and ill health through planning, including the planning of arrangement for emergencies and imminent danger. This results in the risk being reduced from work activity to an acceptable level.
There are 5 basic steps for a risk assessment:
* Identifying the hazards in the activity
* Decide who might be harmed and how
* Asses the risk
* Decide the control measure needed, put them in place and tell the people affected
* Monitor the work to make sure that the assessment remains valid.
This kind of planning and requirement is to ensure that for every stage of people’s work are in control. Risk assessment will be assessed, monitored and carried out by competent people.
Those involved will include:
* The manager who is in charge of the work
* People working in specific areas
* Manger responsible for the workplace
* Relevant experts
This is instead of the government doing it for the entire organisation in the United Kingdom. Since because the increasing amount of activities that need risk assessments became to much for the authorities to do, therefore each business/ organisations carry there own, apart of there own responsibility.
Part of the control of hazardous to health regulations for chemicals is (COSHH), introduced by law from the Government. COSHH has been developed to help firms and organisations carry out there own risk assessment for health risk
‘COSHH requires employers to:
* Assess the risks to health from chemicals and decide what controls are needed
* Use those controls and make sure the controls are working properly;
* Informs workers about the risks to their health;
* Train workers
COSH essentials were developed by the HSE, in collaboration with the TUC and the CBI developed by the Kay Media Technologies.’
This all should last for at least 3 years for it to be valid therefore, they will be monitored, recorded and updated.
Heart dissection risk assessment
Keeping to these principles:
* Identifying the hazards in the activity
* Decide who might be harmed and how
* Asses the risk
* Decide the control measure needed, put them in place and tell the people affected
The hazards:
The use of the knife
Using a heart (tissue)
Who and how you might be harmed:
People in close proximity of the knife and heart, the knife could penetrate (cut) people and the heart could infect the wound leading to infections.
The Risk
The main risk is the hazard of injuring yourself or others with the knife because of the incorrect use.
Measure needed
When using apparatus use gloves and wear a white coat, so the organ does not contaminate clothing.
When using the knife cut away from the body,
Do not cut the heart while holding it. Place heart on hard surface preferably on the table or dish.
Example of Risk Assessment
Risk assessment for a hospital health check using a stationary bicycle. (Observed)
The hazards:
* The person’s health
* Overworking the person
* The actual bicycle itself, (if it’s safe to use)
* Movement of the patient on and off the bicycle
Who and how might you be harmed:
* The person on the bicycle could over work themselves and any other health factors could be affected if not monitored by a supervisor.
* The bicycle could not be safe to use in general.
* The person could be injured when getting on and off the bicycle.
The risk:
* There is a fairly low risk, but the main risk is the person injuring themselves if not supervised properly.
Measure needed:
* 1-2 people need to supervise the patient at all times when using the equipment.
* The appropriate measurements need to be taken, checking for other health risks that could be affected like asthma, should be noted.
* The bicycle should be checked before use for any damages or factors of malfunction.
* The correct procedure of control and help for the patient when getting on/off the equipment (bicycle) and should be monitored while using them.
Risk assessment for science lesson for measuring personal speed
The hazards:
* Injuring yourself
Who and how might you be harmed:
* By falling over, being pushed, tripping over or sleeping.
The risk:
* A small risk of injury probably by falling over and could lead to a strain or sprain of the ankle joint, which is the most likely part of the body to injure.
Measure needed:
* Find and use an appropriate running surface.
* The appropriate running shoes to wear (no high heels)
* To warn the participants of any dangers they should be aware of.
Risk assessment in our school
What are the difficulties?
* Students not following the rules
How often are they done?
* Usually 1 week, but usually done during the half terms weeks and electrical checks done yearly.
How often are they reviewed?
* All the time they are sent relevant new information and updates for there risk assessment book and information cards. Sent by CLEAPSS, Snab website offers new information which they check and any uncertain information or risks, the technicians ask there supervisors.
Is this often enough?
* All these are probably not done enough according to the technicians because they are kept so busy all the time.
Where are they kept?
* The risk assessments are kept in a folder (colour recognisable) and they have the risk cards in a box, in an organised manner.
* The technicians have them in their prep rooms, with also a tick list in a file. The teachers usually have there own guidelines.
Do all relevant staff and students know about them?
The teachers are known to them and their where about. The students are told on certain things, especially when they are using them or near them. They are either told specifically or there are posters including signs to remind all the people around of what to do e.g. do not touch and where goggles.
CLEAPSS stands for the Consortium of Local Education Authorities for the Provision of Science Services.
This is main connection, which the school get their information on new information for the risks, e.g. new procedure that should be taken out;
The CLEAPSS School Science Service covers:
* Health and safety,
* Chemicals, living organisms, equipment,
* Sources of resources,
* Laboratory facilities and fittings,
* Technicians and their jobs,
* Some workshop facilities and fittings,
* Risk assessment.