Mona Lisa Essays

When I first look at the ‘Mona Lisa’, I notice the intriguing look that is on her face. The expression is one that reminds me of a lady that is neither happy nor sad, smiling nor frowning. Her skin is very smooth and she has no blemishes, but also she …
Mona Lisa, widely known as Gioconda, is one of the most famous paintings in the whole world. The masterpiece was created by Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci in the sixteenth century. Nowadays, people can enjoy this work of art in the Louvre, Paris. Leonardo da Vinci made this portrait for …
My Grandma’s really into buying bootleg DVD’s at the Flea Market and picked up Mona Lisa Smile. I didn’t see it in theaters but I heard awful reviews of it. Everything from “this movies doesn’t make sense,” to “just feminist garbage”. Bored off my mind one night, I decided to …
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