Concentration Essays

A. Water boils at 100°C at sea level. If the water in this experiment did not boil at 100°C, what could be the reason? The reason why water did not boil at 100°C could be because we are not at sea level; the pressure could be lower. B. While heating …
The goal of the experiment is to determine the percentage of Mn in an unknown metal sample by means of colorimetric analysis. First stock solution of KMnO4 with known concentration was diluted and then carried to spectrometer for analysis. The peak with highest absorbance was taken as λmax. Then the …
Absorption spectroscopy is a practical way to find what the light absorption of a substance is, and whit this data combining the Beer’s law equation you can determine the concentration of different things in a solution, in this case using a orange Gatorade looking the concentration of its dye which …
The purpose of this experiment was to construct a Beer’s Law Plot, determine the concentration of a sample using the Beer’s law plot, and to determine the concentration of Blue Dye #1 in a commercial product using visual Colorimetry. Procedure This lab consisted of calculating %T of given data and …
The objective of this experiment is to determine the amount of sulphate by gravimetric analysis. The amount of sulphate is determined quantitatively as barium sulphate, BaSO4, by gravimetric analysis. For the experiment, a dilute solution of barium chloride was slowly added to a hot unknown sulphate solution slightly acidified with …
I. Introduction In this experiment, the zinc and nickel contents of unknowns were tested using two methods. In the first method, nickel and zinc were separated through ion-exchange chromatography and analyzed through chelometric titration. In the second method, the unknown was analyzed through the atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) of the …
Osmosis is the diffusion of water molecules from an area of high concentration of sucrose solution to an area of lower concentration of sucrose solution, through a selectively permeable membrane. The water molecules move down a concentration gradient in osmosis. Two diagrams of osmosis are shown in figures 1 and …
Active and passive transport are the ways in which cells allow things to move into and out of the cell through the cell membrane. They include many different ways to transport things. Passive transport requires no expenditure of energy by the cell. However, Active transport requires ATPs which have energy …
Aim The aim is to find the concentration (mole/dm3 (M)) of solute in a potato cell by using the process of osmosis and different concentrations of sucrose solution. Background information Osmosis is diffusion of water across a partially permeable membrane. It moves from a solution with less solute concentration (high …
I. Physical Features Electric eels are not really eels, they are actually ostariophysians, but have a strong physical resemblance to true eels. . An electric eel is mostly tail. The internal organs are compressed into the anterior (front) 1/5th of the body, and the rest of the fish consists of …
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