Adult Essays

Over the last generation the traditional American family has been changing rapidly. Not only the structure but also, the family values have been changing as well. Moreover, these two changes have, in a way, played off each other. The structural changes in marriage, the basic household composition, and childbearing have …
Annie Dillard’s memoir, An American Childhood, details the author’s growing up years and gives the reader many insights into herself. Dillard describes many of the things that molded her during her childhood years, including family, humor, nature, drawing, and sports. At various times during her childhood, Dillard’s entire world revolves …
Scott Russell Sanders in his essay “looking at Women” has his views shaped by the people he is surrounded by. This trend is apparent even in his early child hood. He continues this trend thru early adulthood. Well into adult hood this trend show it self through his actions, and …
The brief but complex stories of “Araby” by James Joyce and, “A&P by John Updike focuses on character traits rather than on plot to reveal the ironies that inherent self deception. The theme for both Sammy from “A&P” and the narrator from “Araby” is the transition from childhood to adulthood, …
Sharon Olds’ “Rites of Passage” is about the hidden adults in the children that come to her son’s birthday party. All the children are boys and display male adult personality traits that remind the speaker of small mighty Generals of war. The tone comes across sad, ironic and disillusioned about …
The two books that I am comparing are The Catcher in the Rye, and Lord of the Flies. The two books are very interesting and are very opposite yet the same in many ways. In The Catcher in the Rye, Holden is an idealistic character who becomes more of a …
“The Only Thing That Is Constant Is Change.” ― Heraclitus As the above quote clearly states, change in inevitable. Even in human life, with time, an individual soul and the physical body undergoes change and thus with change, differences and similarities are bound to arise. In the human growth, the …
According to Levinson, what four developmental tasks must middle-aged adults confront in order to rebuild their life structure? Provide examples to illustrate all four. What are possible selves, and why are they important in middle adulthood? Levinson’s seasons of life theory depicted adult development as a sequence of qualitatively distinct …
Adolescents are changing physically, emotionally, and socially as they grow older. The Adolescent’s behavior is explained as peer pressure (Kaplan 1). Peer pressure is explained to build self-image, independence, and love and relationships, but not only necessarily those pressures there are many more for example decision making regarding sexual activity …
Babies begin to develop both socially and emotionally by responding to voices and faces, especially their Mothers and carers and beginning to smile. They have little independence and rely on adults for comfort and reassurance, feeling secure when cuddled. By 9 months babies are still shy with strangers but will …
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