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Animal Eating

B essay
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  • Pages: 4
  • Word count: 882
  • Category: Animals

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Te movie features actors such a Paul Willis, Steve Ells, Fred Kirschenmann, Chuck Wirtz, Joel Salatin and other farmers across United States. Movie documentary takes even handed examination at the animal husbandry.

According to Meriwether et al (2014), the movie begins by explaining how America arrived at the present industrial system. Moreover, the storyline of the movie then shifts to the present day, showing the confinement houses and the feedlots, through the farmers eyes who work and live in America. Meriwether et al (2014) stated that the movie introduces the revolution in the animal husbandry that is taking root let by passionate and charismatic Joel Salatin.

The movie brings out stories shared of various farmers across the America who have made a change in their lives to start farms that are grass-based. Moreover, it highlights the day-to-day solutions people can make in supporting the agriculture of America. The purpose of the movie was to highlight the revolution taking place in the animal husbandry in America, and the daily solutions that people can make in supporting Americas agriculture.

Major Themes

The first theme of the documentary is application of technology in farming. American meat is a documentary movie that looks at hog, cattle and chicken production in America. The movie is about farming history, and how before Second World War all the animals were reared in pastures. Thereafter, farms began using confinement feedlots also referred to as CAFOs and also suing pesticides on vegetables and pesticides on the animals (Meriwether et al. 2011)

The second theme being portrayed in the documentary is application of organic farming for better meat production. This documentary movie chronicles the meat industry of United States. It highlights and talks to various farmers, some of who use the confinement methods and other farmers, particularly the enthusiastic Joel Salatin who uses pastures in raising their animals. According to United State (2013), generally the movie is a pro-farmer. One of the farmers in the documentary who rears hogs using both more humane and the confinement methods talks about how the meat from the hogs who usually gets outside tastes better, compared to the hogs which are always confine. The picture created in this scenario is the understanding that to them also is more humane.

Another vivid theme I the movie is application of different methods of farming for maximum production. According to Meriwether et al (2011) the most significant part of the American meat movie documentary is that it provides solutions to the farmers on how they can be more success when they raise their animals on pasture. Moreover, it offers solutions on to how consumers can be able to afford buying meat not only at the stores that sells meat and expensive restaurants, but can do things such as joining CSAs, buying directly from the customers and buying clubs. This was it is better for the consumers, the farmers and the animals (Meriwether et al. 2014).

Relation of the film to class discussions, readings, notes or knowledge

This essay finds the film accurate and realistic. Moreover, it does not contract or support anything so far that I have knowledge of or understand. To begin, the documentary of “American Meat” examines the meat producing industry state in America. Roberts (2014) pointed out that every year Americans consume meat approximately 58 billion pounds from chicken, cow and pigs. In the documentary’s first part, how meat is produced is shown such as through industrial farming also known as commodity farming. The essay believe that he documentary does not contract or support anything and is also not confrontational such as “Fast Food nation”, “Food,Inc” and therefore, there is no scenes that are gruesome where pigs and cows are slaughtered. Instead, the documentary allows the farmers to talk about the kinds of challenges they face, and the passion for their jobs which they have.

In the documentary’s second part, Joe Salatin, a Virginia farmer is introduced with his innovative ways of farming in a gentle manner with his “egg mobile” and “Pigearator.” The movie then attempts to make a plea for farming that is grass based, and further examines the possibility of feeding the whole of America using grass-based farming, or whether it can be done in a manner that is cost effective (Meriwether et al. 2011).


In conclusion, the essay found the movie documentary of “American Meat” very interesting and gives insights into the future and current meat production state in America that have never been thought of. One weakness of the movie is that it is not confrontational, and investigative into the bad and mean producers of meat in America. However, the strength of the movie is that it has been produced in an extremely balanced and fair look at the current state of meat production in United States and the future possibilities. The documentary is objective, not judgmental and present facts and portrays incredible ride every farmer has on their hard work in feeding America.


  • Meriwether, Graham, Memo Salazar, Joel Salatin, Frederick L. Kirschenmann, and Shelly Shenoy. 2011. American meat.
  • Meriwether, Graham, Memo Salazar, Ryan Nethery, Alejandro de Onis, Carlye Rubin, Joel Salatin, Frederick L. Kirschenmann, Chuck Wirtz, Daniel Salatin, and Shelly Shenoy. 2014. American meat.
  • Roberts, John. 2014. Food animals and meat consumption in the United States. Washington: [Govt. Print. Off.].
    United States. 2013. Meat consumption trends and patterns. Washington, D.C.: USDA.
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