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The Code of Chivalry

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  • Pages: 2
  • Word count: 379
  • Category: Chivalry

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            What exactly was the Code of Chivalry? The Code of Chivalry entails the following: First is franchise (Price, 1997). This means that it is important to be patient, to use both heart and mind in making decisions, as well as, to appreciate accomplishments, no matter how small it may seem (Price, 1997). Second is nobility (Price, 1997). It is essential to carry out the responsibilities of a knight, however, if it is impossible to meet such goals, take into consideration what a person did to try to attain such (Price, 1997). What’s important is that the character of the individual grew (Price, 1997). Third is largesse which entails being generous and merciful (Price, 1997). Fourth is humility which is to give importance to other individual’s good deed and not flaunting your own (Price, 1997). Fifth is belief in God for the purpose of being hopeful in spite of anything negative that may occur (Price, 1997). Sixth is courage to sacrifice for other individuals and wisdom to do the right thing always (Price, 1997). Seventh entails defending the people worthy of it (Price, 1997). Eighth is being loyal and committed to “people and ideals one chooses to live by” (Price, 1997). Ninth is being just and humane and not exhibiting bias or personal interest (Price, 1997). Last but not least is to strive to be the best all the time (Price, 1997).

Development of the Code of Chivalry

            How and why it developed, you may ask? Actually, the Code of Chivalry was developed to put up a “set of ideals and duties” (Price, 1997). In addition, it developed as “socio-economic realities” altered (Price, 1997).

Code of Chivalry at Present

            Last but not least, does any of it exist at present? Indeed, a code of chivalry is still present up to now, however, its form may have been altered to meet and keep the indispensable superiority of protecting appropriateness that secures imagery and descriptions of chivalry (Price, 1997).


Price, B.R. (1997). A Code of Chivalry. Retrieved July 31, 2007 from


***This is the exact website address of the reference utilized in this paper, dear client:              http://www.chronique.com/Library/Chivalry/code.htm.

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